Friday, October 5, 2012

10.5.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Dimitri and Craig, both homeless, found their home in HiStory!

 I wrote this post almost a year ago and I am convinced it's words are as timely today as they were then.


I pray that those who are homeless, jobless, full of pain, in confusion, betrayed, living in fear... those who are experiencing separation and utter despair will KNOW GOD. God hears our cries... our pleas... our prayers! God cares! His timing is paramount! It is not always ours! For GIGATT!

I have several friends and family who have known complete desparation! One friend told his story Sunday morning to our church family. Over two years on the streets, living out of dumpsters and on park benches, as he continued to pray and quote the 23rd Psalm. In time, God sent him his answer... the woman who rescued him would eventually become his wife for the last 21+ years.

Another dear friend's story was told recently on an OKC news station via a short video clip! A profound story of a man who exemplifies grace, mercy, and compassion.

I am putting a link here just in case the embedded video does not work.

When our family was going through some very hard times,
Craig and his wife provided an apartment,
free of charge, for a year, for our two daughters. 

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