Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10.9.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Chip and Lisa learned that the strong become weak to show that prayer is a big part of being in HiStory!

This blog post was written 2 years ago, over a period of several weeks, with the very last being posted 2 years ago today:



Here is a very brief / simple synopsis of this salt of the earth / light of the world couple who I am so grateful for today:

  • When we built our house in York, Nebraska, the back of our two acres met up with Lisa's parents' property.

  • Lisa and Chip were students at York College... met... married... moved to KC, MO.

  • Chip began his journey as a teacher... Lisa learned how to play the guitar... Together, they were heavily involved in ministry... especially to youth.

  • As part of the planning committee of Youth In Action (YIA), Chip insisted that Steve be the main speaker for the guys and me for the girls for several years. Since it fell, each year, on the week between Christmas and New Year's, it usually included our anniversary (30th)... YIA took over the KC Airport Embassy Suites each year... Chip begged that if we would just do it, he would honor our marriage and anniversary... That he did! Upon arrival, much to our surprise, The Presidential Suite usually reserved for "dignitaries" had been reserved for us... we gave tours for the kids to see it... it was AMAZING!

  • Tragedy came to Lisa's family twice... her dear daddy passed away... her sweet sister was watching a parade with her family in Lincoln, NE when a careening/out of control car came at the crowd and took Connie's life...

  • Through the long process of healing, Lisa read her Bible, wrote in a prayer journal, and made music...

  • Chip and Lisa remained deeply involved in ministry. Lisa's blog chronicles her journey and her music: http://www.lisabloecher.com/

  • Eventually, they moved to Texas... Chip has been an Elementary School principal for the last four years.

  • They've had a little girl since moving to Texas.

  • Lisa's musical reach expanded greatly when she cut a C.D. in November 2009 to share the Good News of the Kingdom to the people of Japan.

  • Their ministry has continued to youth, the sick, downtrodden, homeless, orphaned....
  • Their ministry includes several continents... the countries of: Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, and Japan.

  • Below, I share photos of this family that so passionately and compassionately wears the name of JESUS...

  • In every sense of the WORD, they are WARRIORS OF THE CROSS!

  • Each day, Lisa updates her FB status with her SWORD (which Ephesians 6 says is the WORD OF GOD)... her scripture choices are most often just what I need for that time of the day... she deeply encourages me daily...

  • Yesterday, about 5 p.m., Lisa posted this on her FB status: "...u all know I'm a prayer warrior, but it's so good to know I can take a break--go to bathroom, take rest, shower...and u all have my back. I luv u all dearly."

  • Why did she post that? Because it's true... and tragedy has hit once again...

  • Please enjoy the journal of pictures and then join me in STANDING FIRM, PUTTING ON GOD'S FULL ARMOR, and doing some WARRIOR PRAYING for Lisa and Chip...







Sunday afternoon Chip went with friends to the Cowboys/Bears football game in Dallas. He became ill and went to his truck. Later, he was found passed out inside his truck with no AC on. Police broke through the window and took him directly to ER. His body temperature was 107, For the next almost 24 hours, in a coma, Chip was on the brink of death. In the ICU he has been ice packed and covered in prayer. Yesterday afternoon, he was able to open his eyes and move all four limbs... although still somewhat unresponsive. Praise God in all things!

TEXT YOUR PRAYERS AND ENCOURAGEMENT WHETHER YOU KNOW THEM OR NOT: A special line has been set up to receive text messages. Your messages will signal to Lisa that someone is in prayer for her family, and especially her beloved, Chip.


If you are on FB, you can go to a group page that was set up on Sunday evening called: PRAY FOR CHIP BLOECHER.

.The above was originally written on 9/21/10.

Today, we say:
Thank you, GOD! Chip woke up yesterday - 9/29/10! He's nodded "Yes!" and "No!" This morning, he chuckled! This afternoon, when his mom asked him who had an anniversary in December, he pointed to himself.
He and Lisa will now have a new story to tell of how GIGATTAATTGIG!

Thousands have kept a prayer vigil for Chip. It has been a faith building experience beyond anything many involved have ever experienced. Here are some wonderful things that have happened in the last week. I share them via some of Chip's wife, Lisa's, status updates on FB:

  • 9/29 - 11:45 a.m. - "Chip is awake!... Everyone will know this miracle is from You, LORD!"
  • 9/29 - 7:45 p.m. - "I told Chip he gave me my bday present a week early, by waking up today. He smiled at me. Ah Lord...thank u."
  • 9/29 - 7:47 p.m. - "Continue to pray for bloodclots in his lungs and the removal of the vent tube."
  • 9/30 - 1:37 p.m. - "I feel very hopeful about Chip-his cognitive ability seems great. Now we just need his lungs to get stronger so we can get the tube out."
  • 9/30 - 1:42 p.m.: "Chip's mom asked him whose anniv was Dec, he pointed to himself."
  • 9/30 - 11:43 p.m. - "Chip cried 7 times today. Not in pain, not a reaction to meds... Just extremely humbled and overwhelmed with the outpouring of love. Thank you for loving us. Can't wait for you all to get one of those great big "Chip hugs".
  • 10/1 - 11:00 p.m. - "Chip and I had a nice quiet, restful day together. I read the Word several times to him (Isaiah, again). And we listened over and over to my hymn CD. (Chip sings back-up on it). He "sings" along with it, practicing his breathing. Sweet quiet moments together. Thank you Lord. Forever, forever grateful..."
  • 10/2 - 1:38 p.m. - "The tube is coming out!! no more vent. Thank you Lord!"
  • 10/2 - 8:32 p.m. - "Thank you for praying for my husband, Chip. Forever grateful."
  • 10/3 - 3:08 p.m. - "Chip is quite chatty today. He just called me 'Russell'. Yep, Chip is Chip!"
  • 10/3 - 8:19 p.m. - "Chip and I had dinner together tonight. So sweet. Tomorrow...rehab begins. :)"
  • 10/4 - last night - "Chip, Hope, and I had dinner tonight together. Oh, so sweet. Thank you Lord.

  • SCRIPTURE POSTED BY LISA LAST NIGHT: "To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? Some people pour out their silver and gold and hire a craftsman to make a god from it. Then they bow down and worship it! They carry it around on their shoulders, and when they set it down, it stays there. It can’t even move! And when someone prays to it, there is no answer.... It can’t rescue anyone from trouble...I am God, and there is no one else like Me." Isaiah 46:5-8

"But we see JESUS,
who was made a little lower than the angels,
now crowned with glory and honor
because He suffered death,
so that by the grace of God
He might taste death for everyone.
In bringing many sons to glory,
it was fitting that God,
for whom and through whom everything exists,
should make the Author of their salvation
perfect through suffering.
Both the One who makes men holy and
those who are made holy are of the same family.
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.
12 He says,
"I will declare your name to my brothers;
in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises."
13 And again, "I will put my trust in Him."
Hebrews 2
Join others who put their trust in HIM @ Facebook Group: GIGATTAATTGIG


Home. Not kinda, not at a rehab place, not in a temporary location waiting for my house to be accessible. Home. I am 100% back to pre-coma Chip. I am not saying I am normal, because that would be a stretch. I am, however, (other than some stamina issues) FULLY RESTORED, FULLY HEALED.

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