My family and I are sky watchers! On my first birthday, celebrated in this century, our oldest son ran into the house shouting, "Mom, God has given you an amazing birthday gift - get the camera and come quickly!" The picture above was my "gift"! #GIGATTAATTGIG
Any year of challenges does not change the fact that God is good all the time! As tornadoes currently hit the Midwest and South, here is our year in review. I plan to reconnect us with some of these stories in the new year!
CHALLENGE 20: UNDERSTANDING by FAITH that GIGATTAATTGIG even when our FEELINGS tell us otherwise...
Jenny spent a lot of her growing up years in Quito, Ecuador as the youngest daughter of missionaries for Christ - Kent and Sharla Marcum. Sharla, is my husband Steve's sister who is one year younger than him. Throughout her young life, Jenny has been a model of faith for those who she has come in contact with.
Here you see a picture of Jenny and her husband Eric with their two little ones. They are missionaries for Christ in Bolivia, South America.
One month ago, Jenny found out that she had a rare form of cancer in her thigh. Usually there are about 200 cases of this in the United States each year. Generally, a person will need to have his/her leg amputated to survive.
Yesterday, Jenny wrote these words:
Thirty one days ago I was diagnosed cancer.
On day 1, we got on our knees and threw ourselves into our Fathers arms.
On day 3, we praised God for plane tickets that were given to us.
On day 5, we praised God as we were embraced by all the ones who have come to Christ in His body in Sucre Bolivia during these years of work.
On day 7, we praised God as we boarded a plane to seek medical care in the States on day 6 and were received in the airport by 30 loved ones.
On day 8, we praised God for Dr. Stanley as he established our diagnosis here in the States and arranged for the Mayo Clinic to see my case.
On day 11, we praised God for results of our CT scan that showed us that the cancer had not spread to my lungs...
I know that you will be blessed by reading the rest of this PRAISE from Jenny, HERE.
Just when I thought I was doing better at giving God the praise, no matter what the circumstances, I raised my fist in the storms of last week. Challenge 16 was about "praying differently"... about praying for others and not for ourselves. I'm not sure why, but that about did me in last week. Maybe it's because I'm already up to my eyeballs in people. Whatever the reason, last week I was most certain that I was drowning AND IT'S NOT A GOOD FEELING!!! Yet, as my husband often says, "FAITH AND FEELINGS DO NOT ALWAYS GO HAND IN HAND."
I prayed for Roger Collins after the family posted on Facebook that he had a heart attack while running. Our friend, Roger, did not stay around on this planet! Steve and I have been so sad for his family! God answered our prayers with a resounding, "NO!"
I prayed for our daughter, Jessica, and she got worse last week. As the storms set over South Jersey, her high intracranial hypertension caused so much pain in her body that she became close to comatose. I drove around South Jersey during the storms. I saw the gorgeous fall leaves out of my rain soaked windows and I raised my voice to God, crying, "Why? If you can make all these millions of individual leaves into this gorgeous canopy of color... WHY will you not take our daughter's pain?" He answered with a "No! Wait!" Jessica's extreme pain stayed the same until sometime Friday afternoon when the storms lifted. Friday night I took her out for a drive in her mustang. It was the first time in two years that she has ridden in it. We talked. She smiled. Yesterday, she came in and sat on my bed and we talked for a long time. Precious memories! Thank You, LORD! That's it for now! Her pain has returned and she's back in bed!
I've prayed for Grace! Grace is another one of thousands who have the same chronic pain problems as our Jessica. This time, she's been in the hospital since October 13th. On October 21st, after yet another surgery to repair a spinal fluid leakage, Grace's mother posted on FB that the doctor "expects that she will feel much better later today when her spinal fluid level stabilizes." This is 10 days later and Grace is still in the hospital. God? Why?
I've prayed and prayed for our son, Caleb... his new little family... so thankful their move is partially complete... still no employement.... God we pray for your provisions for them...
The stories abound of pain and suffering and loss... many prayed and Stacia still lost her twins... Doc and Cathy still struggle with a myriad of health problems... we begged God to keep daddy of four, Scott McEndree here, but He chose not to... you get the picture...
The bottom line is that we may not ever understand. At least, we won't understand until we get to heaven. Yet, we MUST believe that our Father has the most perfect perspective and that He knows best. We can rest assured that He is looking out for our best interests. Our job, no matter how hard, is to PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM!!! . TRIBUTE TO ROGER COLLINS FROM STEVE SIKES:
It was August, 1971, York College, York, Nebraska, that my first memory of "freshman" Roger Collins took hold. I was a club president looking over the new "crop" of young men on campus, trying to make the wisest of decisions possible on whom to invite into our group. Some clubs were looking for athletes, some for personalities, etc. I distinctly remember looking for men with a Christ-like character and Roger Collins topping our list.
After joining our club, Roger became my pledge for a week and for the next 39 years Roger called me pledge-master and reminded me how easy I had been on him. We'd chuckle and then go on to other conversation. I learned pretty quickly I had a lot to learn from Roger. From 1971 till his death last night, Roger consistently emanated humility, genuine transparency and concern for others. Over the years, Roger became one of my rocks in the faith -- so accountable, so stable and unwavering in his faith and so at peace within himself.
. After leaving York College as students, Roger and I crossed paths again at Harding University and then later at York College as fellow teachers. I was so proud of Roger when he married Debbie and so proud of them both as they proved again and again how Christian parents are to bring up their children in the Lord -- faithful to the end. Roger was a runner (spiritually and physically) and over the years his children followed in his steps. This morning I read (again) a passage of scripture that has reminded me of Roger for several decades:
. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air;but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified." .Thanks, Roger, for continually running in such a way as to win! I love you and thank God for you and already miss you terribly.
Till we meet again, my brother and friend. Steve Sikes
The York College home page talks about Roger's life:
I am so grateful that God hears our prayers! He will answer: sometimes "Yes!", sometimes "No!", and sometimes "Wait!" Our Father knows best! .
Yesterday on Facebook, Patrick Mead gave his Facebook friends a prayer challenge. I'd like to pass it on to you: .
"Try this for the next 7 days.
Don't pray for anything for yourself
except for wisdom.
Spend your prayer time entirely
on behalf of others.
Name them.
See what happens."
This will be a hard challenge for many! Pray for wisdom:
James 1:2-8 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers,
whenever you face trials of many kinds,
3 because you know that the testing of
your faith develops perseverance.
4 Perseverance must finish its work
so that you may be mature and complete,
not lacking anything.
5 If any of you lacks wisdom,
he should ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to him.
6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt,
because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind.
7 That man should not think he will receive
anything from the Lord;
8 he is a double-minded man,
unstable in all he does."
I do believe that God Is Good All The Time! I believe that when He answers prayers, there is a reason for how He answers. If you want to get started on some heavy duty praying for people, please join me. I've got a lot of people on my mind:
My mom, Kathleen Klein, is being moved to a nursing home in the next few weeks. GIGATTAATTGIG
Jobless, our son, his wife, and baby are in the midst of a move this week from one state to another. GIGATTAATTGIG
Our friend, Roger Collins, (a college professor at York College) was in Springfield, MO this past weekend as he and his wife, Debbie, visited her dying grandmother. Roger went out running on Saturday and had a massive heart attack during his run. Others on the bike trail did CPR and called 911. In the last 48 hours, Roger has almost left this life several times. He is in a medically induced coma at this time. In the midst of it all, his wife's grandmother has died. Their 4 young adult children have arrived to stand vigil with Debbie. You may access PRAY FOR ROGER COLLINS on FB by clicking HERE. Please pray for Roger and his family. GIGATTAATTGIG
Our friend, Grace Billingham, has suffered from chronic migraines like our daughter Jessica. This year I cannot count the times Grace has been hospitalized or had surgery. She has some of the top doctors trying to help, including doctors from John Hopkins. This past week her spinal fluid has been leaking. Did I say that Grace is 17 years old? Please put Grace and her family on your prayer list! GIGATTAATTGIG!
Our daughter Jessica could sure use your prayers. Chronic migraines for the last 15 years... ask God if she has to "WAIT" much longer! We still insist that GIGATTAATTGIG...
It has been approx. 9 weeks since Dr. Rich Edwards had the 3rd double hand transplant in the nation. He is doing well after a surgery last week to graft skin to his right arm, but his leg is still pretty sore where they removed the skin. He had surgery again yesterday afternoon to put a pin in his right hand to prevent it forming a "claw". Good news, he used a fork and spoon to eat in his left hand for the first time this weekend. He was thrilled. He could only take about 4 bites before his hand tired - but this is a true gift from God that he can feed himself using utensils. Check out his amazing story on previous posts on this blog. Join me in continuing to pray for Rich and Cindy Edwards and family! GIGATTAATTGIG
Chip Bloecher's story is recorded in the video above. Chip and Lisa need our continued prayers. Yesterday, Chip was suffering from a major headache. His body is still trying to overcome all the trauma it's been through. GIGATTAATTGIG
My list is long! I know many who are hurting or feel helpless. If you begin praying... you will quickly become more aware of the hurting and the helpless, too.
Join me this week in taking Patrick's challenge! GIGATTAATTGIG
PATTI'S UPDATE - 10-26-10 at 4:00 a.m. eastern time:
Last night, at 11:34 p.m. central time, our humble and kind friend, Roger Collins went home to be with Jesus. GIGATTAATTGIG
. Home. Not kinda, not at a rehab place, not in a temporary location waiting for my house to be accessible. Home. I am 100% back to pre-coma Chip. I am not saying I am normal, because that would be a stretch. I am, however, (other than some stamina issues) FULLY RESTORED, FULLY HEALED.
. THIS WEEK'S MEDIA ARTICLE AND VIDEO CLIP ABOUT RICH EDWARDS: Doctors: Hand-Transplant Recipient Recovery 'Miraculous' - News Story - WLKY Louisville
We continue to believe that GIGATTAATTGIG as we watch the journey of these two men:
I shared Rich's story in our 2010 CHALLENGE 15 post - the post previous to this one. Here are Rich and his wife, Cindy, in an interview not long after his amazing double hand transplant in August.
In the past three weeks, 2 main arteries that supply the blood to the right hand were not supplying the necessary blood flow in that hand and it had started to look pretty bad. But then, miraculously, Rich's body developed a sub-artery that began to supply the blood to the hand. Then, smaller capillaries developed and have grown wider bringing more blood into the hand. Doctors have been amazed and have told Rich and Cindy that what is happening is "unprecedented". We continue to pray for complete healing for Rich AND that all may know that this healing comes from our Almighty God answering the prayers of His people!
Yesterday, Rich went back into surgery on his transplanted hands. Doctors planned to do a deep tissue skin graft to his forearm, taking tissue from Rich's stomach, if the infection was completely gone from the forearm. Rich came out of surgery and is doing well. According to family, Rich's surgery yesterday was a success. They did an abridement and pinned fingers on R hand to prevent distortion. Doctor said there is no reason his right hand didn't die from the 2 clogged arteries. We remain so hopeful that Rich will have complete use of two transplanted hands! Rich's mother wrote this morning, "May God be glorified in every circumstance no matter what happens!" GIGATTAATTGIG
. Here is Rich before and after the TODAY SHOW on September 25 - with his doctor.
. Chip is a friend who I shared a lot about in the previous post. Chip was in a coma for 10 days in September after suffering a heat stroke at a Dallas Cowboys/Chicago Bears game. His body temperature rose to 107. . Thousands have kept a prayer vigil for Chip. It has been a faith building experience beyond anything many involved have ever experienced. Here are some wonderful things that have happened in the last week. I share them via some of Chip's wife, Lisa's, status updates on FB:
9/29 - 11:45 a.m. - "Chip is awake!... Everyone will know this miracle is from You, LORD!"
9/29 - 7:45 p.m. - "I told Chip he gave me my bday present a week early, by waking up today. He smiled at me. Ah Lord...thank u."
9/29 - 7:47 p.m. - "Continue to pray for bloodclots in his lungs and the removal of the vent tube."
9/30 - 1:37 p.m. - "I feel very hopeful about Chip-his cognitive ability seems great. Now we just need his lungs to get stronger so we can get the tube out."
9/30 - 1:42 p.m.: "Chip's mom asked him whose anniv was Dec, he pointed to himself."
9/30 - 11:43 p.m. - "Chip cried 7 times today. Not in pain, not a reaction to meds... Just extremely humbled and overwhelmed with the outpouring of love. Thank you for loving us. Can't wait for you all to get one of those great big "Chip hugs".
10/1 - 11:00 p.m. - "Chip and I had a nice quiet, restful day together. I read the Word several times to him (Isaiah, again). And we listened over and over to my hymn CD. (Chip sings back-up on it). He "sings" along with it, practicing his breathing. Sweet quiet moments together. Thank you Lord. Forever, forever grateful..."
10/2 - 1:38 p.m. - "The tube is coming out!! no more vent. Thank you Lord!"
10/2 - 8:32 p.m. - "Thank you for praying for my husband, Chip. Forever grateful."
10/3 - 3:08 p.m. - "Chip is quite chatty today. He just called me 'Russell'. Yep, Chip is Chip!"
10/3 - 8:19 p.m. - "Chip and I had dinner together tonight. So sweet. begins. :)"
10/4 - last night - "Chip, Hope, and I had dinner tonight together. Oh, so sweet. Thank you Lord.
SCRIPTURE POSTED BY LISA LAST NIGHT: "To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? Some people pour out their silver and gold and hire a craftsman to make a god from it. Then they bow down and worship it! They carry it around on their shoulders, and when they set it down, it stays there. It can’t even move! And when someone prays to it, there is no answer.... It can’t rescue anyone from trouble...I am God, and there is no one else like Me." Isaiah 46:5-8
. There are video links in the previous post that will remind you that GIGATTAATTGIG! .
Over the years, I have been blessed to know many strong christian men. Each of them has a story to tell. They have weathered many storms as they have walked the walk and talked the talk of The Fellowship of Suffering. I have on my mind two such men who God is using to teach so many. Both men went to a small christian college in York, Nebraska at different times. They went to York College, in part, because of their love for their LORD. I believe that they would both tell you that GIGATTAATTGIG. My connection to their story? Steve and I were both students at YC and then teachers in York in the 70's and then again in the 90's until 2002.STORY #1: Dr. Rich Edwards was injured when the truck he was driving was overcome by a brush fire on February 11, 2006. He was unable to escape the burning vehicle. His arms, hands, back and face were severely burned leaving very little tissue left on both hands. He has had multiple reconstructive surgeries and skin grafts, but had very little hand function. He was unable to use prosthesis and required complete assistance with all activities of daily living. Last month, things began to change with a DOUBLE HAND TRANSPLANT! The incredible story of this christian brother from Edmond, Oklahoma is still ongoing. The links below will give you a glimpse into the recent part of Rich's journey as he is able to say GIGATTAATTGIG. (Be sure to at least link to the last one which is an interview with Richard and his doctor in September). There have been more surgeries in September, but the family is still hopeful. Please pray for Rich, his wife Cindy, and their extended family .
Chip Bloecher has been in a coma recently! He woke up yesterday! There has been much rejoicing as we continue to watch the hand of our LORD work through this. Here is a post that I wrote on another of my blogs last week: .
Their names are Chip and Lisa Bloecher: COUPLE EXTRAORDINAIRE! CHRISTIAN WARRIORS COVERED IN HIS ARMOR! . Here is a very brief / simple synopsis of this salt of the earth / light of the world couple who I am so grateful for today:
When we built our house in York, Nebraska, the back of our two acres met up with Lisa's parents' property.
Lisa and Chip were students at York College... met... married... moved to KC, MO.
Chip began his journey as a teacher... Lisa learned how to play the guitar... Together, they were heavily involved in ministry... especially to youth.
As part of the planning committee of Youth In Action (YIA), Chip insisted that Steve be the main speaker for the guys and me for the girls for several years. Since it fell, each year, on the week between Christmas and New Year's, it usually included our anniversary (30th)... YIA took over the KC Airport Embassy Suites each year... Chip begged that if we would just do it, he would honor our marriage and anniversary... That he did! Upon arrival, much to our surprise, The Presidential Suite usually reserved for "dignitaries" had been reserved for us... we gave tours for the kids to see it... it was AMAZING!
Tragedy came to Lisa's family twice... her dear daddy passed away... her sweet sister was watching a parade with her family in Lincoln, NE when a careening/out of control car came at the crowd and took Connie's life...
Through the long process of healing, Lisa read her Bible, wrote in a prayer journal, and made music...
Chip and Lisa remained deeply involved in ministry. Lisa's blog chronicles her journey and her music:
Lisa's musical reach expanded greatly when she cut a C.D. in November 2009 to share the Good News of the Kingdom to the people of Japan.
Their ministry has continued to youth, the sick, downtrodden, homeless, orphaned....
Their ministry includes several continents... the countries of: Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, and Japan.
Below, I share photos of this family that so passionately and compassionately wears the name of JESUS...
In every sense of the WORD, they are WARRIORS OF THE CROSS!
Each day, Lisa updates her FB status with her SWORD (which Ephesians 6 says is the WORD OF GOD)... her scripture choices are most often just what I need for that time of the day... she deeply encourages me daily...
Yesterday, about 5 p.m., Lisa posted this on her FB status: "...u all know I'm a prayer warrior, but it's so good to know I can take a break--go to bathroom, take rest, shower...and u all have my back. I luv u all dearly."
Why did she post that? Because it's true... and tragedy has hit once again...
Please enjoy the journal of pictures and then join me in STANDING FIRM, PUTTING ON GOD'S FULL ARMOR, and doing some WARRIOR PRAYING for Lisa and Chip...
CHIP BLOECHER IS A PRAYER WARRIOR WHO NEEDS PRAYER WARRIORS! Sunday afternoon Chip went with friends to the Cowboys/Bears football game in Dallas. He became ill and went to his truck. Later, he was found passed out inside his truck with no AC on. Police broke through the window and took him directly to ER. His body temperature was 107, For the next almost 24 hours, in a coma, Chip was on the brink of death. In the ICU he has been ice packed and covered in prayer. Yesterday afternoon, he was able to open his eyes and move all four limbs... although still somewhat unresponsive. Praise God in all things!
TEXT YOUR PRAYERS AND ENCOURAGEMENT WHETHER YOU KNOW THEM OR NOT: A special line has been set up to receive text messages. Your messages will signal to Lisa that someone is in prayer for her family, and especially her beloved, Chip.
You can send texts to 214-868-7133
If you are on FB, you can go to a group page that was set up on Sunday evening called: PRAY FOR CHIP BLOECHER.
.The above was originally written on 9/21/10. Today, we say:
Thank you, GOD! Chip woke up yesterday - 9/29/10! He's nodded "Yes!" and "No!" This morning, he chuckled! This afternoon, when his mom asked him who had an anniversary in December, he pointed to himself.
He and Lisa will now have a new story to tell of how GIGATTAATTGIG!
"But we see JESUS,
who was made a little lower than the angels,
now crowned with glory and honor
because He suffered death,
so that by the grace of God
He might taste death for everyone. In bringing many sons to glory,
it was fitting that God,
for whom and through whom everything exists,
should make the Author of their salvation
perfect through suffering.
Both the One who makes men holy and
those who are made holy are of the same family.
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.
12 He says,
"I will declare your name to my brothers;
in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises." ***
13 And again, "I will put my trust in Him."
Hebrews 2
Join others who put their trust in HIM @ Facebook Group: GIGATTAATTGIG
. A little over a month ago, I got a letter from a friend who reads this blog. It was quite the letter! I have pondered it, meditated on it, and re-played it in my mind like a movie. It was convicting and challenging. It was something that within 24 hours of receiving the letter that I could pass on the advice to someone else. I needed to be reminded. You see, it is advice that my husband and I give often. The challenge is doing it! . The theme song of our April women's retreat had been on the same subject that our friend's letter was on. This friend lives in another state. I don't see her often, but the Spirit connects us on a regular basis. I asked her if I could share her letter, in part, for you here. She said to share it all... I think I'll share part. . Dear Steve and Patti, So, I think I told you that my daughter has started going back to church and it’s because of my granddaughter that she’s going. It’s taken 10 yrs... ... I could not emotionally deal with (her) living with her alcoholic dad and step-mom, so I gave her back to God and laid her on the cross for God to take care of her for me. It was hard, but from that moment on there was peace. I knew that she was in God’s hands and He was looking out for her, in college for example she had a Christian room-mate. Her best-friend in high-school – a Christian. So I knew God was taking care of her. Sure, I was hurt and devastated but I would not pick her up again and worry about her. Fast forward 10 yrs or so and now her young daughter of four years is going to church with her “Pop” and (my daughter) is feeling guilty for not going and thus she begins going again to church. (She) loves it and each time she goes she calls me with something about the service that she tells me about, or she has questions that she asks me about – it’s so cool to hear in her voice the excitement that she’s actually learning. .
So, my health has been terrible... .... and things with (my hubby and I) had gotten pretty bad. He had lost yet another job from his constant absenteeism (his back) and I just couldn’t take being the “bread winner” of the house while He sat and watched TV and popped pain pills. I knew that the two weeks I would be home (after my surgery with him) would either make us or break us so one night on the way home from church I was listening to my gospel music and I just lost it, I just boo hoo-ed and poured my heart out to God and did what I should have done years ago. I laid that burden down, and I laid (my hubby) down at the cross and gave him over to Jesus to take care of. I was at my breaking point and could no longer take care of (my hubby) because my health was now effected by carrying him for so many years. Yes, Steve, I had reached the stairs and there was no way I was strong enough to climb them carrying (him)- let alone by myself. So I laid him down at that cross and gave him to Jesus and walked away. That was 2 weeks before my surgery.
. It is now July 14th and (my hubby) has made a huge turn around. (However the worse thing - he did not even show up for my surgery. He had a shot scheduled for his back and he expected me to change my surgery – so he went for his shot and had it without any (anesthesia) so that he could drive home. I was SO upset with him I was steaming all day; however, mom and dad came to the hospital and stayed the whole day...
. ….. the next week is when the change happened. He was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, the same day he went to his diabetes class was the same night that mom was rushed to the hospital with heart issues and of course I couldn’t drive yet so I was stuck at home calling everyone... ...Here we are now 3 months later and (my hubby) has lost 40 lbs, he has a brand new job and LOVES IT and his whole attitude has changed. He had become so grumpy and depressed that nobody wanted to be around him, he was up to 325.lbs and was a walking time bomb with his high blood pressure and temper and threatening to commit suicide on a pretty regular basis. I was sure that I would come home and find him dead one day….it was awful. . So I know this is all garbled and jumbled but I am so excited!!! It has taken me 14 years but I finally turned my husband over to God and let Him take care of him and within months look what all has happened. WoW!! Even better? I am at peace for the first time in many years. I feel like I have the man that I married back. He is happy, he is laughing and just a joy to be around. Yesterday, was our Anniversary and we both felt like it was a celebration, like a new start for us. . My burden has lifted Steve, and it’s taken me HOW MANY YEARS to figure this out?? You tried to teach me but I guess I had to learn it myself the hard way – or at least give him back to God and LEAVE him there. Believe you me, I’m not picking that load back up – he’s too heavy to carry!!! . So with this novel, just wanted to give you some good news for a change. My hubby is back and we’re both thrilled. Now if I can just get him back to church…but that’s not my job, when he decides to join me he will.... God is Good!!! Love ya both, . . .
. The theme song from our women's retreat is one we sing now quite often on Sunday mornings. I wish I could find it on a playlist, but for now, here are the words to this beautiful song - GIGATTAATTGIG:
. Lay your burden down Every care you carry, And come to the table of grace, For there is mercy. Come just as you are, We are all unworthy To enter the presence of God For He is holy.
Chorus Lift up your heart, lift up your hands, Fall on your knees and pray; For the King of kings
and the love He brings Is here in this place. We raise our voices,
raise our song, We offer Him our praise; For the King of kings
and the joy He brings Is here,
He is here in this place.
. 1999 One Man Band
Even though I have not been posting lately, GIGATTAATTGIG!!!
Life has been challenging for our family. Satan has thrown his firey arrows. We have chosen to continue to wear God's armor, including His shield of faith to protect our hearts. I hold fast to His promise in Ephesians 6 that if I put on all of my Daddy's armor, I can remain standing firm.
It's been a year ago this week since Lauren had her heart transplant. You may remember that her mama's songs of sustenance had the words "through the calm and through the storm" and "while I'm waiting on You, LORD." Recently Cristi wrote that she had a new favorite song that is sustaining her as they continue to work with Lauren to catch up on all of her developmental skills (including swallowing and chewing). It's been quite a year for their family as daddy finished grad school and the family prepared for their move to a new location. Through it all, Lauren's "strong new heart" is doing well!
Life remains hard, but God is Good All The Time! Join me in praising God on the anniversary of Lauren's heart transplant one year ago this week.
You may want to follow along with the playlist song via the words below of Cristi's new favorite song:
Desert Song Lyrics
as sung by Hillsong
. This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
This is my prayer in the fire
And weakness or trial or pain
There is faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory
and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conquerer and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have reason to worship
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
And this is my prayer in the harvest
And favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I receive I will sow
. You can pause the playlist to listen / view this beautiful clip:
. Have you ever been so exhausted that you could fall asleep standing up? Have you ever experienced being too tired to sleep? I've experienced both recently. It's at times like these that the sheer day to day journey becomes almost too overwhelming. The first of this week, I finished grading the last of almost 1,400 college papers, projects, reflections, and activities. I turned around immediately to begin teaching a summer intensive five week course on Tuesday / Thursday evenings for 4 hours each evening. Before Tuesday ever got here, there were emails from the students who had just received their grades for Spring semester. I had made a mistake in my grading and left off one of the 20 grades. This would certainly impact the final grade for some of them. That means that I'll need to sit and fill out "change of grade" forms. Ahhhh! Does it even matter if I need sleep? Does anyone care? . A little while ago, I was sitting at my computer posting my assignments for next week, I went to click on some background music from my other blog and there it was... a former post from 2/5/09. God showed me once again how much He cared! He knew I needed to be directed to this... the funny thing is that I do not remember ever posting this video! Please notice the words at the end of the link... COURAGE TO ENDURE: . That's what I need today: COURAGE TO ENDURE!!! There is a video on that post, that I have embedded here as well. It was what I needed for today. Maybe it's just what you need, too! GIGATTAATTGIG! . Be sure and scroll down to pause the playlist before starting the video. . BE BLESSED!
. Thankful for trials? Peter says that they are there to refine us like gold is refined by fire (at 1,102 degress Celsius). On this blog, we are talking about challenges that stretch and grow our faith in the goodness of God. Being involved in a natural disaster is like firing up the degrees on the refining furnace!!!Yet, Peter reminds us to REJOICE!
1 Peter 1:6-9 says,
"In this you greatly rejoice,
though now for a little while
you may have had to suffer grief
in all kinds of trials.
These have come so that your faith
-of greater worth than gold,
which perishes even though refined by fire-
may be proved genuine and may result in
praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Though you have not seen Him, you love Him;
and even though you do not see Him now,
you believe in Him and are filled with
an inexpressible and glorious joy,
for you are receiving the goal of your faith,
the salvation of your souls. "
My first knowledge of the Nashville, Tennessee flood, of May 2010, was in an email message from my friend, Benja. She described the flooding and said that they were able to save all the furniture from her sister's house, but not the house. Two of her sister's neighbors' houses burned because of the water causing electrical shortages.
Over the last week, I've received pictures and videos from friends in Nashville. I'd like to share two videos with you.
VIDEO ONE: As I viewed this video, my thoughts were many.... here are five:
To the background music, in my mind, I replaced "Here comes the sun..." with "Here comes the Son..."
To the comment of "no looting", I thought "Praise God! This is how it should be in a city known to have "possibly the most churches per capita of any city".
To the pictures, I often responded with "I've been there!"
To the overwhelming thought of the enormity of the situation, I whispered, "Rejoce in trials! God be with them!"
To the last slide, "We are Nashville!" , I thought "It would be nice if it said "We are christian!" . .
VIDEO TWO: This second video (down below) is taken on Interstate 24 (at Bell Rd.) in Nashville, Tennessee. You will see many cars submerged. There is a semi truck in the left foreground. I do not know if when this was taken (from a helicopter) if there were people in any of these vehicles or not. What I do know is that this classroom building from Lighthouse Christian School came off it's foundation and floated down the highway. If you don't have time to watch the entire video, scroll the little cursor over to almost halfway and watch a little over the last half. I cried!
Please join me in praying for Nashville. Andrew Krinks, who grew up in our church family here in NJ, has been committed to serving the poor in Nashville (with his wife, Lindsey) since they were students at David Lipscomb University. Nashville's Tent City, it's largest homeless encampment, has been completely flooded over . As a result, the Red Cross has set up a temporary site for them on the University's campus until more permanent housing can be secured. Andrew and Lindsey are very involved in this effort. Can you rally forces to help? Contact Andrew at
Please join me in begging God to let them see all the reasons for rejoicing in these trials. Let them see that GIGATTAATTGIG. . Scroll down a little to see the videos!
He had said these things to her. On the evening of that first day of the week,
when the disciples were together,
with the doors locked for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood among them and said,
"Peace be with you!"
After He said this,
He showed them His hands and side.
The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. . Again Jesus said,
"Peace be with you!
As the Father has sent He,
I am sending you."
And with that He breathed on them and said,
"Receive the Holy Spirit.
If you forgive anyone his sins,
they are forgiven;
if you do not forgive them,
they are not forgiven." . Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve,
was not with the disciples when Jesus came.
So the other disciples told him,
"We have seen the Lord!"
But he said to them,
"Unless I see the nail marks in His hands
and put my finger where the nails were,
and put my hand into His side,
I will not believe it." . A week later His disciples were in the house again,
and Thomas was with them.
Though the doors were locked,
Jesus came and stood among them and said,
"Peace be with you!"
Then He said to Thomas,
"Put your finger here;
see My hands.
Reach out your hand and put it into My side.
Stop doubting and believe." .
Thomas said to Him,
"My Lord and My God!" . Then Jesus told him,
"Because you have seen Me,
you have believed;
blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have believed."
NIV JOHN 20:18-29
Do you find it hard to believe that Jesus is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do? I AM SO THANKFUL THAT HE IS!!! I leave you today, with 4 things:
The scripture above
The song playing in the background to consider, "Above All"
The video to watch below (you'll have to pause the playlist for that)
These words that I read for the first time yesterday:
How can this happen? Tanya and Sue, both close to my age, were my sisters in Christ who sat not too far away from me each Sunday morning. They both have left behind husbands and young adult children! How can this be? .
When Steve gets up to preach, he always begins his sermon with "God is good all the time..." and then the congregation responds with, "and all the time God is good!" These were two women who believed this wholeheartedly! I can hear them now responding to Steve. Oh, wait! That's not them I hear! They've passed on... Tanya on January 1st and Sue last week of a massive heart attack.
What we saw in Sue was God! From her effervescent smile to her advocating for students with special needs to her.... Oh, wait! I'll just let some quotes from a "sharing time" at her funeral let you get a glimpse of the goodness of God:
"They were a family of best friends."
"Can we emphasize the pivotal role that Jesus played in her life?"
"She loved these songs: "Living for Jesus", "I'll Fly Away", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "One Step at a Time", "This is My Father's World", and "I Come to the Garden Alone".
"She was a big part of the ministry at Park Place seniors center - often visiting the residents in their rooms who could not come out to the main room."
"When a local high school opened opportunities for people to teach adult education classes on Tuesday evening, she was Jay's #1 supporter as he began a class on looking at the Bible."
"Bethany, you are your mother's daughter... very smart." (Bethany was valedictorian of her high school graduating class).
"Sue quietly sent a letter/card to Jessica Sikes each week."
"Sue hurried to the hospital to see Ilene (a sister in Christ who is a widow) this last Saturday when she heard that Ilene had fallen and broken her back."
"Sue handed me a bag with a tea set and tea bags and told me to use this to sit down for chats with my teenage daughter."
"Sue did what she said she would do... she showed up at our family movie night with popcorn and drinks."
"To many of her students Sue was known as 'Mrs. Wonderful!'"
"Her dinner table was a sacred space!"
"Sue's Proverbs 31 service to Jay freed him up to "be respected" in the workplace." (spoken by a co-worker)
"When Bethany was asked what her mom's favorite scripture was, she said 'the whole book of Colossians'!"
Emphasis was made on the following scripture from Colossians. She lived it! She gave us a little picture of the characteristics of God. .
Colossians 3:12-17 12 Therefore, as God's chosen people,
holy and dearly loved,
clothe yourselves with
and patience.
13 Bear with each other
and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
14 And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity. 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were called to peace.
And be thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly
as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom,