Saturday, September 19, 2015


Saturday-Sunday, September 19-20, 2015
Did you know that the word "Blessed" in JESUS' Sermon on the Mount means "Oh, the JOY!"?  
Read the first beatitude, Matthew 5, this way:
"Oh, the JOY of the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
What about the meaning of the phrase, "poor in spirit"?  We've talked about it being similar to the word "humble" or the words "having humility".  Yet, the word "poor" translated from "ptochos" literally means "to crouch or cower in as one helpless."  It's the beggar, the pauper, or the one in complete poverty who is totally dependent on others for help.  "Ptochos" can also be translated as "beggarly".
The past week, I've watched new kindergartners weep and mourn, in separation anxiety from their parents, begging to see them.  I've heard "I want my daddy!"  "I need my mommy!" over and over again. I've talked to professionals and people in different walks of life who are 
  • Discouraged,
  • Despondent,
  • in Despair, and/or 
  • almost Destroyed... 
They are ready TO QUIT. I know people who are feeling alienated... out of work... about to have their utilities turned off... have or about to lose their jobs/homes... have almost insurmountable health problems... lost a family member... ENDURANCE is not simple!
Please, my friend... DO NOT QUIT! 
ENDURANCE is not just stamina or strength of will. It requires a dependence on resources that we don't even possess - someONE greater than ourselves. There is a need for deep breathing... health... pacing... positive thinking... against all odds: 
JESUS is the answer!
Being part of HIS kingdom begins 
with being spiritually 

Life is hard,
but GOD is good!

1. Count as BLESSINGS what GOD has given to you.
How did this guy make it up the mountain?
With the life, breath, and body given to him by GOD! 
BLESSED!  Oh, the JOY!

2. Seek GOD's SON first... He is our "SUN" who is the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATER.
How did this tree maintain it's brillance in the midst of a snowstorm?
It has previously gotten nourishment, from the sun and water,
into it's root system.

3. Know that GOD will make a way! There may not be anyway that looks possible, but JESUS can make a way when there is no way!
How did this little guy get these icebergs to separate?
He did not! He waited in faith, nothing doubting,
for this amazing opportunity to give him passage.

Depending on where you are in your life right now, I beg you to participate in the encouraging act of ENDURANCE... 
It begins by being "poor in spirit" and realizing we cannot do it without GOD.  Our lives are bankrupt without HIM.  We must walk with JESUS, keeping our eyes on HIM.
September has been named "Suicide Prevention Month".  Let's stop the insanity... breathe deep... breathe in the love of JESUS... Join me in ENDURING today... tomorrow... the next day by:
  1. Being the hands and feet of JESUS to others... providing love, encouragement, food, gifts, etc. - Oh, the JOY!
  2. .
  3. Being the willing recipient of love, encouragement, food, gifts, etc. by those who want to minister to you. - Oh, the JOY!
  4. .
  5. Being a BLESSINGS counter while you are doing #1 or #2 or both.  Remember to count your BLESSINGS and not your troubles! I'm starting me a new list today and it's not even November!  Oh, the JOY!
‘Come, you who are BLESSED

by My Father;
take your inheritance,

the kingdom prepared for you
since the creation of the world.

For I was hungry and

you gave me something to eat,

I was thirsty and

you gave me something to drink,

I was a stranger and

you invited me in,

I needed clothes and

you clothed me,

I was sick and

you looked after me,
I was in prison and

you came to visit me.'


Oh, the JOY!

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