Wednesday, January 13, 2016

POST #40: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Have the MIND OF CHRIST... Forgive... even when persecuted...

Yesterday evening, I visited over dinner, for 3 hours, with 6 lovely ladies "from Mississippi".  We discussed many things... one of those topics was "forgiveness".
I am so convinced that the storms of life are weathered when we "look up", "see the light", and choose to be grateful that we know the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and that He allows us to partner with Him as light of the world.

Living out the Be-attitudes is to have THE MIND OF CHRIST. It is that MIND OF CHRIST that is light and salt in a dark and tasteless world. There are a few threads that run through these attitudes.... one that I see is FORGIVENESS. I am thankful that I have been called to FORGIVE like JESUS, I have considered that:

  • I must be poor in spirit to FORGIVE.

  • I must have mourned over my own sin and the sins of a lost and dying world, to FORGIVE others.

  • I must be willing to be meekly led by the Master to FORGIVE in His way as I live in His timing, not mine.

  • I must hunger and thirst to FORGIVE because it is righteous.

  • I must have mercy on the one whom I am FORGIVING.

  • I must FORGIVE from a pure heart with pure motives.

  • I must go in peace, as I FORGIVE.

  • I must understand that even if I FORGIVE in all the above ways, I still may be persecuted.
Those who FORGIVE - shine! 
Thank You, JESUS for teaching us how it's done!


Oh, the JOY!


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