Monday, November 2, 2015

POST #21: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Therapy? Unable to able! Jesus is able!

I am convinced that learning to live CHRIST'S Sermon on the Mount, day in and day out, is a big part of my transformation process.
Have you ever had to have PHYSICAL THERAPY or known someone who has? It's amazing how doing a few exercises day in and day out will transform a muscle from UNABLE TO ABLE.
I have seen the same thing happen with other therapies:
VISION THERAPY: people who can't read or attend do prescribed eye exercises over a period of time and transform visual skills for reading or attention from UNABLE TO ABLE.
INTENSIVE LEARNING THERAPY: people who have trouble with comprehension, memory, decision making, test taking, receiving/expressing information, or a myriad of thinking skills can work through prescribed thinking exercises over a period of time and transform abilities to think, reason, and learn from UNABLE TO ABLE.
MARRIAGE/FAMILY THERAPY: couples and families who struggle with their relationships can work through prescribed relational assignments over a period of time and transform their ability to do "healthy family" from UNABLE TO ABLE.
COGNITIVE or PSYCHO-THERAPY: people who struggle with emotional or mental health challenges can work through assignments over a period of time and transform their ability to control emotions and mood swings from UNABLE TO ABLE.
HOLY SPIRIT THERAPY: christian moms and dads, women and men, girls and boys who have named Jesus as their LORD and been spiritually clothed with Him in baptism struggle with their christian walk can work through Sermon on the Mount daily exercises and activities over a period of time and transform their ability to "walk by faith and not by sight", via the leading of the Holy Spirit, from UNABLE TO ABLE.
Recently, we've looked at the first 3 Be-attitudes. Now, here's a daily "therapy" assignment to jump start your HOLY SPIRIT THERAPY. What a blessing!
I am so thankful that God's Holy Spirit works with me....
to move from UNABLE TO ABLE to transition to transformation
Do this each morning before getting out of bed and right before each meal (either aloud or in your mind).
BE POOR IN SPIRIT - God, I empty out my spirit at Your feet today...this life is not about me... it's about You! Thank you for allowing me to be part of the kingdom of heaven!
BE A MOURNER - God, I grieve over my sins and this lost world...AND weep with joyful thanksgiving over the grace, mercy, and salvation that You have extended to me.
BE MEEK - God, take the reins, I give up the control to You... I choose to gently respond to Your lead. Thank You!


                                                  OH, THE JOY!

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