Saturday, February 6, 2010

2010 CHALLENGE 5: High Places...

Life can often be almost maddening... at breakneck speed... full of difficult circumstances and emotional highs and lows...


Each of us are emotional beings to different degrees. We respond in various ways to our feelings of being out of control, worthlessness, hurt, anger, loneliness, tiredness, and stress. Although God's first and greatest commandment says for us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, that often does not happen. Why do our emotions get in the way of putting God at the Highest Place in our hearts?
In 2 Kings 12:2-3 "And Jehoash did right in the sight of the Lord all his days... only the high places were not taken away."
Satan is battling fiercely for our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Scripture tells us that God is the Father of truth and love but satan is the father of lies. God is a gentleman and he gives us a choice. Satan is a snake and he'll weasel his way into our lives any way he can.
  • When I feel out of control... who or what do I allow to be in control?
  • When I feel worthless... what or who makes me feel special?
  • When I've been hurt... how am I comforted?
  • When I am angry... how do I find my contentment?
  • When I am lonely... how do I get connected?
  • When I am tired... where does my energy come from?
  • When I am stressed... how do I cope?


Unfortunately, it is not only unbelievers who emotionally self medicate. Is it possible that we really don't believe that God Is Good All The Time and we choose one of the following to "share the High Place" with our God. Can we use any of the following to answer the questions above?

  • drugs
  • nicotine
  • alcohol
  • food
  • television
  • sports
  • gaming
  • work
  • shopping
  • sex
  • pornography


Jesus chose to go counter cultural. He knew that God was in control.. He was deeply connected to His God through scripture, prayer, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. He was connected to a community of believers for encouragement and support. He made real life connections in the most important places.


Last weekend Steve and I traveled to present a weekend church seminar to a church family in Huntsville, Alabama. They have chosen to believe that their battle is not against flesh and blood. They want their church family to be connected in all the ways that matter, so they are choosing to take up their "swords" and fight. For last week end their focus was THE SILENT KILLER: PORNOGRAPHY.


Is this one of the ways that you or someone you know has chosen to self medicate?

  • There are an average of 72 million hits per month on porn sites.
  • Porn sites generate 57 billion dollars per year worldwide.
  • The average age of first exposure to pornography is 11.
  • Ages 12-17 is the largest group to visit porn sites.
  • About 70% of men ages 18-34 visit porn each month.


Whatever the way we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by satan... however he has deceived us into thinking that what we are doing is not sin... whatever the way that we have chosen to self-medicate... please join me today in allowing Jesus to make us pure and holy sanctuaries for Him. Join me in making the decision to put God and GOD ALONE back on The Highest Place of our hearts.





Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What an awesome post! Thank you so much for sharing. I know I am dealing with some hurt not dealing with pornography, but I have to wonder if I have been self medicating through other things like internet.

JessieLeigh said...

Such an excellent reminder- and some tough topics. I'll join you.