Sunday, September 20, 2009


The last few weeks I have...
  1. had several friends who have passed away
  2. had several friends who have had relatives who have passed away
  3. had several friends who have had brushes with death
  4. attended the funeral of the sister-in-law of my friend Dottie (our church secretary)


As is often the case in times like these, I meditate about my own life and the lives of family and friends. I rejoice with the families of those who have died in the LORD.


This weekend, I attended a Women of Faith conference in Philadelphia with 49 other women in our church group. We joined other women at the Wachovia Center to make it about 18,000 women. There were many things that touched me deeply. Yet, one in particular touched many of us... hearing Steven Curtis Chapman... seeing his two sons on stage with him... contemplating the grief that their family has experienced since the tragic death of youngest daughter/sister Maria in their family driveway...


I came home Friday evening and read/watched multiple things on the internet that told the Chapman's story. I found one that was extremely well done and would like to share it with you as the remainder of this post. When times like these come, because GIGATTAATTGIG... we can grieve with hope!!!


Romans 8:24-25

For in hope we have been saved,

but hope that is seen

is not hope;

for why does one also hope

for what he sees?

But if we hope

for what we do not see,

with perseverance we wait eagerly for it..."



Revelation 14:13

"And I heard a voice from heaven, saying,

Write, 'Blessed are the dead

who die in the Lord

from now on!'"


says the Spirit..."

1 comment:

Audra Michelle said...

I am looking forward to heaven where there will be no more suffering and no more death. Just since spring, I have: lost a dear best friend from high school to cancer - only lived a month after diagnosis and left a wife and 3 children including an 8 month old, learned of terminal pancreatic cancer in a lifelong family friend who is like a father to me, learned of terminal brain cancer in a former pastor of mine - the pastor who married us nearly 10 years ago (his family has been full of trials as his oldest is still classified as being in a coma after a car accident nearly 3 years ago - he is improving each day - check out the blog at, and learned that my current pastor was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.

As you say, God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.