Tuesday, December 29, 2015

POST #36: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: What is this peace?

Throughout my life, there are times that I have allowed circumstances to steal my peace... also my joy. So, what really is Biblical peace?
1. Isaiah 9:6 prophesied that JESUS, "The PRINCE of Peace" would come.
2. Romans 15:33 calls GOD "the GOD of peace".
3. Philippians 4:7 says that the peace that comes from GOD "passes all understanding".
4. In John 14, JESUS told HIS disciples, "Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
5. In Acts 10, the disciples were living that peace and preached "peace by JESUS CHRIST."
6. There's a big connection with peace and the gospel of CHRIST. 
Ephesians 6:15 puts it as part of the christian's armor, "And on your feet is the preparation of the gospel of peace."
7. Both Acts 2 and 1 John 1 inform us that peace is the knowing that our sins are forgiven and that all is well with our souls.
8. It takes effort to pursue peace as scripture encourages us to do in multiple places. In Romans 14, "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace."

9.  In Matthew 5:9, JESUS gives HIS 7th Be-attitude, 
“Blessed are the peacemakers, 
for they shall be called children of God."  
I encourage you to join me in praying for wisdom, that comes with peace.  (See previous posts).   Please note that:
1. Peace comes through JESUS CHRIST - the source of peace.
2. Peace through prayer and spiritual connections with God and His family.
3. Peace grows in a person who:

  • is poor in spirit
  • mourns over sin 
  • is meek enough to be a follower
  • hungers and thirsts for righteousness
  • is merciful
  • is pure in heart
4. Peace is the confident assurance that I am IN CHRIST and HE has made my peace by saving me from my sin, so that I can say "It is well with my soul".
5. A true peacemaker pursues all of the above!


BLESSED are the peacemakers,

for they are the children of God.

It Is Well With My Soul!

Oh, the JOY!

Monday, December 28, 2015

POST #35: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Blessed are the Peacemakers: Pray for this wisdom!

Yesterday, Steve finished up 2 sermon series, that I'd like to refer to a few times this week!
Yesterday mornings' strong message finished up our year's theme from 2 Peter and was entitled:  WHAT MATTERS MOST (which I'd like to connect with later in the week).  Yesterday evenings' lesson wrapped up our study on the book of James.  
I often hear other christians say, "I wish I had more wisdom." GOD is clear as to how we get wisdom; HE tells us in the book of James,

"If any of you lacks wisdom
you should ask of GOD 
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to you."
 But when you ask,
you must believe and not doubt,
because the one who doubts
is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind. "
I had an "Aha! Moment" when I remembered that James (the brother of JESUS) also includes the "Be-attitudes" when he writes about wisdom.  In this passage, he connects to 
4 of the "Be-attitudes":
James 3:17-18
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven
is first of all pure (#6);
then peace-loving (#7),
submissive (#1),
full of mercy (#5)
and good fruit,
impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers (#7)who sow in peace
reap a harvest of rightousness."
Did you see it?  In this order:
"Be-attitude #6:  
"Blessed are the pure in heart, 
for they will see God."
Be-attitude #7:
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God."
Be-attitude #1:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Be-attitude #5
"Blessed are the merciful, 
for they will be shown mercy."
As I consider the 7th "Be-attitude"over the next few days,  
"Blessed are the peacemakers...", I can't help but make a few connections:
  1. What does this "peacemaking" look like?
  2. How does the PRINCE OF PEACE model being a peacemaker?
  3. What would happen if every christian prayed for wisdom everyday?  Would it result in "peace on earth"? 

Oh, the JOY!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

POST #34: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Pure in heart... sinful to sinless... It's about the cross...

Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see GOD."

PSALM 51:7-9
"Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones YOU have crushed rejoice.
 Hide YOUR face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity."

When I look at this passage in Psalms it screams purity of heart on so many levels. On the most basic of levels, the writer is saying... "GOD I have no agenda except to trust YOU!" Like a child relies on a parent, these words show pure reliance on our HEAVENLY FATHER.


GOD, I have full confidence that YOU will:

1. Cleanse me...

2. Hear me...

3. Wash me...

4. Let my bones...

5. Hide YOUR face...

6. Blot out...

And, what is amazing, GOD, is that it is what YOU do.... not what I do... that gives me the confidence to say...

1. I will be clean!

2. I will be whiter than snow!

3. I will hear joy and gladness (again or for the first time)!

4. My bones will rejoice!

5. I will have sins YOU do not see!

6. I will have those sins blotted out!

So thankful that JESUS came to this earth... 
lived a SINLESS life...
and then suffered immensely on the cross 
to purify me from my sin!!!
What great verses to put on our hearts today:

PSALM 51:7-9

7 __________ me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
______ me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8 ___ ___ hear joy and gladness;
___ ___ ______YOU have crushed rejoice.
9 _____ YOUR face from my sins
and _____ _____ all my iniquity.

Matthew 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they ____ ___ ___.

PSALM 51:7-9

7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be ______;
wash me, and I will be _______ ____ ____.
8 Let me hear ___ ___ ____________;
let the bones You have crushed ________.
9 Hide Your face ____ ___ _____
and blot out ____ ____ ______________.

Oh, the JOY!!!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

POST #33: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Pure in heart... no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus...

"Blessed are the pure in heart, 
for they shall see GOD."
~Matthew 5:8~

1 John 3 is full of encouraging words:
See how great a love the FATHER has bestowed on us, 
that we would be called children of GOD; and such we are. 
For this reason the world does not know us, 
because it did not know HIM. 
Beloved, now we are children of GOD, 
and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. 
We know that when HE appears, we will be like HIM, 
because we will see HIM just as HE is. 
And everyone who has this hope fixed on HIM purifies himself, 
just as HE is pure.

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; 
and sin is lawlessness.
You know that HE appeared in order to take away sins; 
and in HIM there is no sin. 
No one who abides in HIM sins; 
no one who sins has seen HIM or knows HIM. 
Little children, make sure no one deceives you; 
the one who practices righteousness is righteous, 
just as HE is righteous; 
the one who practices sin is of the devil; 
for the devil has sinned from the beginning. 
The SON OF GOD appeared for this purpose, 
to destroy the works of the devil. 
No one who is born of GOD practices sin, 
because HIS seed abides in him; 
and he cannot sin, because he is born of GOD. 
10 By this the children of GOD 
and the children of the devil are obvious: 
anyone who does not practice righteousness 
is not of GOD, 
nor the one who does not love his brother."
Let's face it! 
We have all sinned! 
As Romans 3 makes it clear, 
"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD..."
The questions for you and me are:

  • "Do I make sin my practice?"
  • "Do I practice sin?"

If you go to http://www.biblegateway.com/ and do a word search of SIN, you might find the following:

  • The word SIN is in the Bible 1364 times. 
  • SINNED? 88 times. 
  • SINNING? 22 times. 
  • SINNER? 63 times. 

Galatians 5 refers to SIN as "acts of the flesh" and lists them accordingly, 

  •  "...sexual immorality, 
  • impurity and 
  • debauchery; 
  • idolatry 
  • witchcraft; 
  •  hatred, 
  • discord, 
  • jealousy, 
  • fits of rage, 
  •  selfish ambition, 
  • dissensions, 
  • factions and 
  • envy; 
  •  drunkenness, 
  • orgies, and the like."
Galatians 5 continues by saying,
   "I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of GOD." 

 So, what would it look like to live the opposite? To live with the "acts of the spirit"?  Could we write it something like this? 

  •  "...sexual morality, 
  • purity and 
  • self discipline; 
  • JESUS; 
  •  love, 
  • harmony, 
  • giving honor, 
  • fits of joy, 
  • humility, 
  •  collaboration / cooperation, 
  • unity and 
  • honoring the differences; 
  •  filled with the SPIRIT, 
  • fellowship with believers, and the like. 
 I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will inherit the kingdom of GOD."    
So, what happens if I mess up? If I'm living in JESUS and for JESUS, "in the SPIRIT"... He takes the blow... the punishment... the condemnation... 
Romans 8 says, 
 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation 
 for those who are in CHRIST JESUS..." 
 So, no turning back my friend! JESUS has you covered. Live intentionally!  Make sure that there is no sin that is a "practice" in your life.
Each new day, we step out of the bed and STAND ON HOLY GROUND - AS IF WE HAVE NEVER SINNED... HOLY... PURE...  ready to see GOD!
Oh, the JOY!

Monday, December 14, 2015

POST #32: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT - First cleanse the inside...

Matthew 5:8 says,   
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD."

Today, we hear about "toxic waste dumps"... we hear about our need to de-tox our livers from all the processed (impure) foods that we are eating... we hear that our water is filled with impurities and must be filtered or purified... The whole process of making things "pure" takes a lot of work.  
Our daughter was highly sensitive to her environment. She had many allergies and was often on sensory overload.  Ten plus years ago we started buying organic... buying purified... using essential oils...  For all of us, especially Jessica, purity in our environment was so important. Yet, it didn't stop her body from failing; it was constantly in "fight or flight" mode.  Eventually, her body became eaten up with cancer.  She left this earth 10 months ago today!  One thing I can certainly say about Jessica - her heart was pure!

Centuries ago, scripture was written to let us know that JESUS was concerned about the purity of our hearts.
Matthew 23:25-26 says,  
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! 
For you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, 
but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity. You blind Pharisee! 
First cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, 
that the outside also may be clean." 
JESUS did not come to help us "go green" or to encourage us to eat whole, organic foods.  His coming was much deeper than that! JESUS came to change the hearts of sinners like you and me... our motives... our thoughts...   
Matthew 5:27-28 says,  
"You have heard that it was said, 
"You shall not commit adultery." 
But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully 
has already committed adultery with her in his heart." 
The spiritual heart is what you are, on the inside, that only you and GOD see.  This is what matters to GOD!    

         1 Samuel 16:7 says, 
            "Man looks on the outward appearance,
                                                                             but the LORD looks on the heart." 

          Matthew 12:33-34 says, 
          "Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; 
           or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; 
           for the tree is known by its fruit . . . 
           For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."    
Matthew 15:18-19 says,  
"What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart . . . 
For out of the heart come 
evil thoughts, 
false witness, 
These are what defile a man (woman)."     
Hebrews 10:21-23 tells us that because of JESUS, our HIGH PRIEST, 
we can do this:   
"...and since we have a great PRIEST over the house of GOD, 
let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and 
our bodies washed with pure water.  
Let us hold fast the confession of OUR HOPE without wavering,  
for HE who promised is faithful..."

Friday, December 11, 2015


Over the last few months, I've been sharing about Jesus' first words of His "Sermon on the Mount, called the "Be-attitudes".  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I...

  1. ...Have the promise of being part of the Kingdom of Heaven by being "poor in spirit", understanding my place in the Kingdom in relationship to JESUS CHRIST, the KING of kings and LORD of lords.
  2. ..."Mourn" over my sin and the condition of this lost world, being comforted by JESUS CHRIST, The Eternal  Comforter.
  3. ...Choose to be "meek" and gentle, as I follow JESUS CHRIST, my Guide and Example  (without complaining/whining).
  4. ..."Hunger and thirst for righteousness" and am filled with The Bread of Life and Living Water.
  5. ...Live a life of "mercy", modeling JESUS CHRIST, the great Mercy Show-er
  6. ...Choose "purity of heart" over contamination of worldliness, as I live in step with JESUS CHRIST, the Holy One.


Join me, over the next week, as we look at this new beatitude and sing this song together, Turn My Heart, Oh LORD:



Sunday, December 6, 2015

POST #30: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: "Blessed are the Merciful..." and other scriptures on Mercy


as I meditate on 

the MERCY of our LORD, 

I share, with you, 

a few of the 100 some Bible verses 

that address this topic:



Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I've lived with a family full of mercy showers.  When it comes to mercy, I really do know how to extend mercy, but I'm not gifted with mercy like my hubby is. My heart often swelled as I observed our children grow up imitating their Daddy's mercy:
  • visiting nursing homes and others who were shut-in
  • sharing their toys and food with those who were in need
  • spearheading collections when friends were in dire straights
  • ministering to the fatherless
  • caring for those with special needs...
I remember when our fourth grandchild was born and I ("Gigi") went to help with our 3 year old grandson "P.L." - while the family welcomed and adjusted to the newborn.  Many things during that visit made my heart smile.  One in particular: 

  • watching a 3 year old have mercy on a helpless newborn. 

There was constant focus.
There was obvious love.
There was an ongoing offering to help... to serve...   
There were little phrases like:
  • "Is he okay?"
  • "Can I kiss him?  Hold him?"
  • "I'll help him!"
  • "Can I help cook, Gigi?"
  • "Gigi, can I help mop the floors?"
  • "I'm the big brother!  He's my baby brother!"

 3 year old P.L. was determined to make sure his less than 2 week old brother was okay.  He was constantly "checking on his little brother", wanting to extend mercy to this little one who could not help himself. 

That brings me to a few questions:
How do we help the helpless?
How do we extend hope to the hopeless?

Don't the answers to the above questions come when 
are extended in LOVE?


These are streets we need to be walking down everyday!


Maybe we could take a few lessons from my grandson, 
who celebrates his half-birthday tomorrow:  
Happy 5-1/2 years old, P.L.!!!!!


BLESSED!  Oh, the JOY!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

POST #28: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Extending Mercy!

There are many wonderful ways that we can be like JESUS.  I suppose none is any more attractive than being known as someone who extends mercy.  It is a type of kindness that is rare.  

In this day of fast food, 24 hour service, and instant messaging, impatience runs deep. Cutting people  some slack does not come naturally.  Giving people mercy and grace because their culture does not match yours is not the norm.  In fact, making quick judgments about people and "running over" people tend to be the norm. 

I look in the gospels and see how often people cried out for "mercy" to JESUS.  HE was ready and willing to extend it; and HE did!  Here are a few examples:

  • Matthew 9:27  "JESUS went on from there, two blind men followed HIM, crying out, “Have mercy on us, SON OF DAVID!"

  • Matthew 15:22  "And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, “Have mercy on me, LORD, SON OF DAVID; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.”

  • Mark 10:46-47  "Then they *came to Jericho. And as HE was leaving Jericho with HIS disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road. When he heard that it was JESUS THE NAZARENE, he began to cry out and say, “JESUS, SON OF DAVID, have mercy on me!”

  • Luke 17:12-13   "As HE entered a village, ten leprous men who stood at a distance met HIM; and they raised their voices, saying, “JESUS, MASTER, have mercy on us!”

JESUS, no matter how busy YOU were...  no matter, how inconvenient it was... YOU modeled for us by stopping what YOU were doing and taking care of a person's need(s) by extending mercy.  Thank YOU, JESUS!  I am forever grateful!


Friday, November 20, 2015

POST #27: JESUS' SERMON ON THE MOUNT: What is mercy? Blessed are the merciful...

 JESUS' "Sermon on the Mount" begins with 3 beatitudes that explain the attitudes/behaviors that a christian's heart should have in response to our GREAT GOD: 

  1. poor in spirit (recognizing, with humility/submission, how much I need my GOD)
  2. mourning (confessing/repenting of my sinfulness)
  3. meek (gently handing the leadership of my life to my GOD)
This humble, contrite, submissive response is followed by a fourth attitude/behavior: 
     4.  hungering and thirsting for righteousness (a desire to know more about GOD, HIS ways, HIS desires by getting to know JESUS - our Righteousness).
What are the blessings/promises that come from living out these first 4 beatitudes?
  1. I'm part of the Kingdom of Heaven!
  2. I'm comforted!
  3. I will "inherit the earth"!  (...because my FATHER, the CREATOR, can supply all my needs and so much more...)
  4. I will be satisfied!
This whole process is ongoing... cyclical... daily...  Yet, the more I live out these first four beatitudes, the more I grasp the enormity of GOD's grace and mercy that's been extended to me. I'm growing in my understanding of how much mercy I really have received.  I, then, in turn choose to extend mercy to others:
Attitude / behavior:
      5.  "BLESSED are the merciful...
      5.   ...for they shall receive mercy."
Today, join me in meditating on the following.  There are three times in the gospels that JESUS uses the word "merciful".  The first two are in HIS "Sermon on the Mount":
Matthew 5:7
 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."
Matthew 6:36
"Be merciful, just as your FATHER is merciful."
Luke 18:9-14
9 "And HE also told this parable
to some people who trusted in themselves
that they were righteous,
and viewed others with contempt:
10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray,
one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
11 The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself:
 ‘GOD, I thank YOU that I am not like other people:
swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
12 fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’
13 But the tax collector,
standing some distance away,
was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven,
but was beating his breast, saying,
‘GOD, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
14 I tell you,
this man went to his house justified rather than the other;
for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Do you see what I see?   
1.  When I choose to be merciful, I am BLESSED to get mercy in return.  
2.  My model for mercy, is my heavenly FATHER.
3.  Requesting mercy requires humility on my part.
4.  GOD's mercy is a driving force of love and compassion, that leads HIM to extend freedom and relationship to people who do not deserve it.

