Friday, October 12, 2012

10.12.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! We all can learn that Jesus is willing to transform our stories to make them part of HiStory!

EVERYBODY HAS A STORY!  That was the theme of my chapel talk today at York College.  

At creation God said,

"Let US make man in our image, in OUR likeness..."  

Yes.  Jesus was there, too.  His story began before creation.  All of time is HiStory!

After reading this post, I encourage you to scroll down to where this series, entitled EVERYBODY HAS A STORY,  started on 10-1-12 and begin reading there. 

I wrote this particular post over a year ago, yet much about it remains the same: 

There have been many days over the last 4 months or so that I have been hanging on by my fingernails repeating GIGATTAATTGIG!

The summer found me experiencing one of my heaviest work loads ever. Then, there was the east coast earthquake and the hurricane. We have still not done all of our clean up from the hurricane. That, of course, was on top of the normal very busy life with a chronically ill daughter who lives in our home. How does one get through seasons of great stress without going crazy?

All I know is that as the storms of life beat down, I make it my goal to please Him, count my blessings and not my troubles, focus my eyes on Jesus, and consider who Jesus is and who I am in Him.

  • I FIX my eyes on Jesus and WHO HE IS!

Let's take a closer look at this partial list of who we are in Christ:


  • A live with Christ - Ephesians 2:5
  • B eloved of God - Colossians 3:12; Rom. 1:7; 1 Thess. 1:4
  • B lessed - Matthew 5:1-12; Galatians 3:9
  • B orn of God -the evil one does not touch me - 1 John 5:18
  • C hosen - 1 Thess. 1:4; Eph. 1:4; 1 Peter 2:9
  • C omplete in Him - Colossians 2:10
  • C rucified with Christ - Galatians 2:20
  • D ead to sin - Romans 6:2, 11; 1 Peter 2:24
  • D elivered from the power of darkness - Col. 1:13
  • E stablished, anointed, and sealed - 2 Cor. 1:21; Col. 1:8
  • F ree from Condemnation–Romans 8:1
  • F irmly rooted, built up, established in the faith - Col. 2:7
  • F orgiven of all my sins–Eph. 1:7, Heb. 9:14; Col. 1:14; 1 John 1:9, 2:12
  • F riend of Jesus Christ-John 15:5
  • G od’s workmanship - Ephesians 2:10
  • H ealed by the wounds of Jesus - 1 Pet. 2:24; Is. 53:6
  • H oly and without blame before Him - 1 Peter 1:1; Eph. 1:4
  • I mage of His glory – 2 Corinthians 3:18J ustified – Romans 5:1
  • J oint heir with Christ - Romans 8:17
  • K ingdom seeker – Matthew 6:33
  • L ight of the world and salt of the earth – Matthew 5:14
  • L oved – 1 John 3:3
  • M ore than a conqueror - Romans 8:37
  • M ember of Christ's body - 1 Corinthians 12:27
  • N ew Creature - 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • O ne in Christ - John 17:21-23
  • P rotected from the evil one - John 17:15
  • Q ualified to share in His inheritance - Colossians 1:12
  • R edeemed - 1 Peter 1:18,19; Gal. 3:13; Col. 1:14
  • R econciled to God - 2 Corinthians 5:18
  • R aised up with Christ - Colossians 2:12; Ephesians 2:6
  • R ighteousness of God - 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24
  • S aint - Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2, Philippians 1
  • S alt of the earth - Matthew 5:1
  • S eated in heavenly places – Colossians 2:12; Eph. 2:6
  • S et Free - John 8:31-33
  • S trong in the Lord - Ephesians 6:10
  • T emple of the Holy Spirit - 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • U nited with God and one spirit with Him – 1 Cor. 6:17
  • V ictorious - Revelation 21:7
  • W ise – 1 Corinthians 3:30
  • eX alting Christ in my body – Philippians 1:20
  • Y ahweh’s Child – John 1:12
  • Z ion Dweller – Hebrews 12:21-23

I choose to make my story part of HiStory!



Thursday, October 11, 2012

10.11.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Kimball learned that in life, pain, and death he could shine as part of HiStory!




A day after this blog began, Kimball Matkins, passed on from this life.  Kimball loved people and wanted them to know that he believed that no matter what the circumstances,

Kimball lost his first wife, Debbie, seven months after finding out she had cancer in 1999.  Left with two young adult children, Kimball eventually remarried Melinda and became a father to her three boys.  Then, in 2006 Kimball was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Despite his weakened state, Kimball was a constant source of encouragement to family, church, friends, co-workers, and to those who heard him speak in church and college assemblies.  Kimball will long be remembered for his joyful spirit, his love of hugs, his willingness to serve others, and his passion for God.

Last year, speaking at a chapel assembly at York College where he had served as financial aid director, he said, “It’s not about you”.  He reminded the students about God’s purpose for their lives even when it looks like God is not there.


And as he said on a daily basis,

“God is good… all the time.”

In life, in pain, and in death Kimball chose to be part of HiStory!



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10.10.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Jenny, Gary, Jon, Joel, Crimson, Ben, Erica, and many more learned how to use their gifts in His service as part of HiStory!

I originally wrote this post 3/15/11:

I cannot think of a better way to truly know that GIGATTAATTGIG. It is described by these words of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 22:
"'Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul and
with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.

And the second is like it:
'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the Law and the Prophets hang on
these two commandments."
The eyes of the world are focused on Japan.
My "real world" connections are deep and go way back. I lived in Okinawa for three years in the 60's. My best friend's family were missionaries first to Japan and to the island south - Okinawa. The Joe Cannon family was originally from Canada.
Years later, as professors at York College, my husband and I got close to several Canadian students who knew the Cannon's well. A seed had been planted in the hearts of these students to go to Japan to continue the work, of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, that the Cannon's and others had started. With much prayer and preparation, a team of missionaries was formed and they headed for Sendai, Japan. The stories of transformation, of Japanese lives and of the many who have gone via LST, have been many.
As you probably know, Sendai, Japan is very much in the center of last week's devastation. One of those Canadian mission students, Jonathan Straker, has been back in the states working on his Master's degree at Abilene Christian University. He and his wife are mobilizing efforts to help Japan via FB.
That is one of the 3 things that I am very grateful for today. All 3 have a similar theme:
  • I am grateful when christians band together and allow God to work through them in a powerful way to help others who are in the midst of one of life's storms.

Back several months ago, I shared with you about Jenny Marcum Reyes' who grew up as a missionary kid in Ecuador. Then, after marrying Eric, they went as missionaries to Bolivia. Jenny, a very healthy young mother of two (and my niece), had a massive tumor on her thigh.
So, in November, she was rushed back to the states and a christian medical team volunteered their services to do the surgery in Austin, Texas. It's been a long, hard road! Many who have this must have the leg amputated. Because of fervant prayer and God's intervention, Jenny's leg was saved. I'm so thankful that this medical team's lives are about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others (specifically the Reyes' family).
One month later, Jenny wrote, "...was diagnosed with cancer 31 days ago, and I praise God for one of the best months of my life." Yesterday morning, after much rehabilitation and 30 radiation treatments, Jenny tried out jogging for the first time since surgery. She ran a couple miles! So full of thanks! If you are associated with York College, you may not know Jenny, but you may know her:

  • Grandparents:  Jack and Robbie Sikes
  • Mother:  Sharla Sikes Marcum
  • Brother:  Joshua Marcum
  • Sister:  Jauna Marcum Reeger
I'm so grateful that Jenny's life is about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
I was literally numb last night when I learned of the death of Gary Miller. What a blessing his story of life in Christ has been to so many of us. Humble, sweet, servant of Jesus Christ would begin a description of Gary. Steve has corresponded with Gary several times, since we've been in Jersey, about him bringing his group Vocal Union here to sing. Gary won't be singing in Jersey, but I cannot wait until heaven to hear that voice sing through the ages!
The last time I saw Gary was several years ago at the Tulsa workshop. As I was going into our motel room, I heard a voice say, "Is that you, Patti Sikes?" I turned around to see that Gary and some of his Vocal Union buddies were in the next room to us. What a treat! He was a man who lit up his world! I'm so grateful that his life was about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
One of my favorite memories when living in York, Nebraska was when Vocal Union came and ate with us and sang at our house.  What a memory!  What a story!  HiStory!

I am also convinced that Gary could explain more about the words to this song today:


I began this blog post today talking about Japan. I am so thankful for the initial mission team to Sendai, Japan of Ben Berry, Joel Osbourne, Crimson Runke, and Jonathan Straker whose lives shine L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
Please join us on the FB page that Jonathan and Michiko Straker have begun as they want us all to join together in L1 and L2: Love God and Love Others (specifically Japan). I am grateful we can all help!
in all the ways we love each other.
We can know that

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10.9.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Chip and Lisa learned that the strong become weak to show that prayer is a big part of being in HiStory!

This blog post was written 2 years ago, over a period of several weeks, with the very last being posted 2 years ago today:



Here is a very brief / simple synopsis of this salt of the earth / light of the world couple who I am so grateful for today:

  • When we built our house in York, Nebraska, the back of our two acres met up with Lisa's parents' property.

  • Lisa and Chip were students at York College... met... married... moved to KC, MO.

  • Chip began his journey as a teacher... Lisa learned how to play the guitar... Together, they were heavily involved in ministry... especially to youth.

  • As part of the planning committee of Youth In Action (YIA), Chip insisted that Steve be the main speaker for the guys and me for the girls for several years. Since it fell, each year, on the week between Christmas and New Year's, it usually included our anniversary (30th)... YIA took over the KC Airport Embassy Suites each year... Chip begged that if we would just do it, he would honor our marriage and anniversary... That he did! Upon arrival, much to our surprise, The Presidential Suite usually reserved for "dignitaries" had been reserved for us... we gave tours for the kids to see it... it was AMAZING!

  • Tragedy came to Lisa's family twice... her dear daddy passed away... her sweet sister was watching a parade with her family in Lincoln, NE when a careening/out of control car came at the crowd and took Connie's life...

  • Through the long process of healing, Lisa read her Bible, wrote in a prayer journal, and made music...

  • Chip and Lisa remained deeply involved in ministry. Lisa's blog chronicles her journey and her music:

  • Eventually, they moved to Texas... Chip has been an Elementary School principal for the last four years.

  • They've had a little girl since moving to Texas.

  • Lisa's musical reach expanded greatly when she cut a C.D. in November 2009 to share the Good News of the Kingdom to the people of Japan.

  • Their ministry has continued to youth, the sick, downtrodden, homeless, orphaned....
  • Their ministry includes several continents... the countries of: Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, and Japan.

  • Below, I share photos of this family that so passionately and compassionately wears the name of JESUS...

  • In every sense of the WORD, they are WARRIORS OF THE CROSS!

  • Each day, Lisa updates her FB status with her SWORD (which Ephesians 6 says is the WORD OF GOD)... her scripture choices are most often just what I need for that time of the day... she deeply encourages me daily...

  • Yesterday, about 5 p.m., Lisa posted this on her FB status: "...u all know I'm a prayer warrior, but it's so good to know I can take a break--go to bathroom, take rest, shower...and u all have my back. I luv u all dearly."

  • Why did she post that? Because it's true... and tragedy has hit once again...

  • Please enjoy the journal of pictures and then join me in STANDING FIRM, PUTTING ON GOD'S FULL ARMOR, and doing some WARRIOR PRAYING for Lisa and Chip...







Sunday afternoon Chip went with friends to the Cowboys/Bears football game in Dallas. He became ill and went to his truck. Later, he was found passed out inside his truck with no AC on. Police broke through the window and took him directly to ER. His body temperature was 107, For the next almost 24 hours, in a coma, Chip was on the brink of death. In the ICU he has been ice packed and covered in prayer. Yesterday afternoon, he was able to open his eyes and move all four limbs... although still somewhat unresponsive. Praise God in all things!

TEXT YOUR PRAYERS AND ENCOURAGEMENT WHETHER YOU KNOW THEM OR NOT: A special line has been set up to receive text messages. Your messages will signal to Lisa that someone is in prayer for her family, and especially her beloved, Chip.


If you are on FB, you can go to a group page that was set up on Sunday evening called: PRAY FOR CHIP BLOECHER.

.The above was originally written on 9/21/10.

Today, we say:
Thank you, GOD! Chip woke up yesterday - 9/29/10! He's nodded "Yes!" and "No!" This morning, he chuckled! This afternoon, when his mom asked him who had an anniversary in December, he pointed to himself.
He and Lisa will now have a new story to tell of how GIGATTAATTGIG!

Thousands have kept a prayer vigil for Chip. It has been a faith building experience beyond anything many involved have ever experienced. Here are some wonderful things that have happened in the last week. I share them via some of Chip's wife, Lisa's, status updates on FB:

  • 9/29 - 11:45 a.m. - "Chip is awake!... Everyone will know this miracle is from You, LORD!"
  • 9/29 - 7:45 p.m. - "I told Chip he gave me my bday present a week early, by waking up today. He smiled at me. Ah Lord...thank u."
  • 9/29 - 7:47 p.m. - "Continue to pray for bloodclots in his lungs and the removal of the vent tube."
  • 9/30 - 1:37 p.m. - "I feel very hopeful about Chip-his cognitive ability seems great. Now we just need his lungs to get stronger so we can get the tube out."
  • 9/30 - 1:42 p.m.: "Chip's mom asked him whose anniv was Dec, he pointed to himself."
  • 9/30 - 11:43 p.m. - "Chip cried 7 times today. Not in pain, not a reaction to meds... Just extremely humbled and overwhelmed with the outpouring of love. Thank you for loving us. Can't wait for you all to get one of those great big "Chip hugs".
  • 10/1 - 11:00 p.m. - "Chip and I had a nice quiet, restful day together. I read the Word several times to him (Isaiah, again). And we listened over and over to my hymn CD. (Chip sings back-up on it). He "sings" along with it, practicing his breathing. Sweet quiet moments together. Thank you Lord. Forever, forever grateful..."
  • 10/2 - 1:38 p.m. - "The tube is coming out!! no more vent. Thank you Lord!"
  • 10/2 - 8:32 p.m. - "Thank you for praying for my husband, Chip. Forever grateful."
  • 10/3 - 3:08 p.m. - "Chip is quite chatty today. He just called me 'Russell'. Yep, Chip is Chip!"
  • 10/3 - 8:19 p.m. - "Chip and I had dinner together tonight. So sweet. begins. :)"
  • 10/4 - last night - "Chip, Hope, and I had dinner tonight together. Oh, so sweet. Thank you Lord.

  • SCRIPTURE POSTED BY LISA LAST NIGHT: "To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? Some people pour out their silver and gold and hire a craftsman to make a god from it. Then they bow down and worship it! They carry it around on their shoulders, and when they set it down, it stays there. It can’t even move! And when someone prays to it, there is no answer.... It can’t rescue anyone from trouble...I am God, and there is no one else like Me." Isaiah 46:5-8

"But we see JESUS,
who was made a little lower than the angels,
now crowned with glory and honor
because He suffered death,
so that by the grace of God
He might taste death for everyone.
In bringing many sons to glory,
it was fitting that God,
for whom and through whom everything exists,
should make the Author of their salvation
perfect through suffering.
Both the One who makes men holy and
those who are made holy are of the same family.
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.
12 He says,
"I will declare your name to my brothers;
in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises."
13 And again, "I will put my trust in Him."
Hebrews 2
Join others who put their trust in HIM @ Facebook Group: GIGATTAATTGIG


Home. Not kinda, not at a rehab place, not in a temporary location waiting for my house to be accessible. Home. I am 100% back to pre-coma Chip. I am not saying I am normal, because that would be a stretch. I am, however, (other than some stamina issues) FULLY RESTORED, FULLY HEALED.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10.8.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Roger learned at a young age how faithfulness would part of HiStory!

Just when I thought I was doing better at giving God the praise, no matter what the circumstances, I raised my fist again.

I prayed for Roger Collins after the family posted on Facebook that he had a heart attack while running. Our friend, Roger, did not stay around on this planet! Steve and I have been so sad for his family! God answered our prayers with a resounding, "NO!"

The bottom line is that we may not ever understand. At least, we won't understand until we get to heaven. Yet, we MUST believe that our Father (who sees all and knows all)  has the most perfect perspective and that He knows best. We can rest assured that He is looking out for our best interests.

Our job, no matter how hard, is to PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM!!!


In the midst of disappointment and grief, my husband Steve wrote this tribute to Roger Collins:  

It was August, 1971, York College, York, Nebraska, that my first memory of "freshman" Roger Collins took hold. I was a club president looking over the new "crop" of young men on campus, trying to make the wisest of decisions possible on whom to invite into our group. Some clubs were looking for athletes, some for personalities, etc. I distinctly remember looking for men with a Christ-like character and Roger Collins topping our list.
After joining our club, Roger became my pledge for a week and for the next 39 years Roger called me pledge-master and reminded me how easy I had been on him. We'd chuckle and then go on to other conversation. I learned pretty quickly I had a lot to learn from Roger. From 1971 till his death last night, Roger consistently emanated humility, genuine transparency and concern for others. Over the years, Roger became one of my rocks in the faith -- so accountable, so stable and unwavering in his faith and so at peace within himself.
After leaving York College as students, Roger and I crossed paths again at Harding University and then later at York College as fellow teachers. I was so proud of Roger when he married Debbie and so proud of them both as they proved again and again how Christian parents are to bring up their children in the Lord -- faithful to the end. Roger was a runner (spiritually and physically) and over the years his children followed in his steps. This morning I read (again) a passage of scripture that has reminded me of Roger for several decades:
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air;but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified."
.Thanks, Roger, for continually running in such a way as to win! I love you and thank God for you and already miss you terribly.
Till we meet again, my brother and friend.
Steve Sikes
The York College home page talks about Roger's life:


GIGATTAATTGIG: Remembering to focus on what God has done and is doing:

  •  Praising You that so many were blessed with You living in and working through Roger Collins.
  • Praising You, Father, in the storms...
Great is Thy faithfulness!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

10.7.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Rich learned that the strong can become weak to bring glory to HiStory!

Over the years, I have been blessed to know many strong christian men. Each of them has a story to tell. They have weathered many storms as they have walked the walk and talked the talk of The Fellowship of Suffering.

I have had on my mind two such men who God is using to teach so many. Both men have a story that includes attending a small christian college in York, Nebraska at different times. They went to York College, in part, because of their love for their LORD. I believe that they would both tell you that GIGATTAATTGIG. My connection to their story? Steve and I were both students at YC and then teachers in York in the 70's and then again in the 90's until 2002.

I'll share with you Chip's story in a few days; today meet Rich Edwards.

This was written on this blog originally at the beginning of October 2010.

Dr. Rich Edwards was injured when the truck he was driving was overcome by a brush fire on February 11, 2006. He was unable to escape the burning vehicle. His arms, hands, back and face were severely burned leaving very little tissue left on both hands. He has had multiple reconstructive surgeries and skin grafts, but had very little hand function. He was unable to use prosthesis and required complete assistance with all activities of daily living. Last month, things began to change with a DOUBLE HAND TRANSPLANT!

The incredible story of this christian brother from Edmond, Oklahoma is still ongoing. The links below will give you a glimpse into the recent part of Rich's journey as he is able to say GIGATTAATTGIG. (Be sure to at least link to the last one which is an interview with Rich and his doctor in September). There have been more surgeries in September, but the family is still hopeful. Please pray for Rich, his wife Cindy, and their extended family

Doctors: Hand-Transplant Recipient Recovery 'Miraculous' - News Story - WLKY Louisville


 Here are Rich and his wife, Cindy, in an interview not long after his amazing double hand transplant in August.

In the past three weeks, 2 main arteries that supply the blood to the right hand were not supplying the necessary blood flow in that hand and it had started to look pretty bad. But then, miraculously, Rich's body developed a sub-artery that began to supply the blood to the hand. Then, smaller capillaries developed and have grown wider bringing more blood into the hand. Doctors have been amazed and have told Rich and Cindy that what is happening is "unprecedented". We continue to pray for complete healing for Rich AND that all may know that this healing comes from our Almighty God answering the prayers of His people!

Yesterday, Rich went back into surgery on his transplanted hands. Doctors planned to do a deep tissue skin graft to his forearm, taking tissue from Rich's stomach, if the infection was completely gone from the forearm. Rich came out of surgery and is doing well. According to family, Rich's surgery yesterday was a success. They did an abridement and pinned fingers on R hand to prevent distortion. Doctor said there is no reason his right hand didn't die from the 2 clogged arteries. We remain so hopeful that Rich will have complete use of two transplanted hands! Rich's mother wrote this morning, "May God be glorified in every circumstance no matter what happens!" GIGATTAATTGIG
Here is Rich before and after the TODAY SHOW on September 25 - with his doctor.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

10.6.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Sean learned that ecoming part of HiStory includes overcoming the negative voices of the past!

I have a friend named Sean who was a contestant on THE BIGGEST LOSER - several seasons ago. Sean attended York College when my husband and I taught there.  Sean's story includes being adopted, as a child, and suffering from deep abandonment issues all the way through school and into adulthood. I

n the following link, you'll meet Sean. Please take note what Coach Bob said to Sean. 

Bob became Sean's "teacher" who said,
"You can TRUST me Sean!"
 There is no one who Sean can TRUST
more than Jesus Christ. 
That is why Sean has made his life story part of HiStory!
Sean now knows deeply
that His heavenly Father is around for the long haul!

Friday, October 5, 2012

10.5.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Dimitri and Craig, both homeless, found their home in HiStory!

 I wrote this post almost a year ago and I am convinced it's words are as timely today as they were then.


I pray that those who are homeless, jobless, full of pain, in confusion, betrayed, living in fear... those who are experiencing separation and utter despair will KNOW GOD. God hears our cries... our pleas... our prayers! God cares! His timing is paramount! It is not always ours! For GIGATT!

I have several friends and family who have known complete desparation! One friend told his story Sunday morning to our church family. Over two years on the streets, living out of dumpsters and on park benches, as he continued to pray and quote the 23rd Psalm. In time, God sent him his answer... the woman who rescued him would eventually become his wife for the last 21+ years.

Another dear friend's story was told recently on an OKC news station via a short video clip! A profound story of a man who exemplifies grace, mercy, and compassion.

I am putting a link here just in case the embedded video does not work.

When our family was going through some very hard times,
Craig and his wife provided an apartment,
free of charge, for a year, for our two daughters. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10.4.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! JJCC learned that through many health challenges, that Christ and HiStory is enough!

October 2012 has begun like many other Octobers begin and end:  rainy and dreary.    Interestingly, I find myself with the same struggle again.  "WHY GOD?"  I hate the way overcast days seem to make everyone feel.  Much more than that, I hate the way they make our daughter, J, feel.  It's bad enough that she has so many allergies and has to eat gluten free, with minimal dairy.

Two years ago, I wrote on this blog:

  • I prayed for our daughter, J, and she got worse last week. As the storms set over South Jersey, her high intracranial hypertension caused so much pain in her body that she became close to comatose. I drove around South Jersey during the storms.

I saw the gorgeous fall leaves out of my rain soaked windows and I raised my voice to God, crying, "Why? If you can make all these millions of individual leaves into this gorgeous canopy of color... WHY will you not take our daughter's pain?" He answered with a "No! Wait!"

J's extreme pain stayed the same until sometime Friday afternoon when the storms lifted. Friday night I took her out for a drive in her mustang. It was the first time in two years that she has ridden in it. We talked. She smiled. Yesterday, she came in and sat on my bed and we talked for a long time. Precious memories! Her wisdom is often profound.  Thank You, LORD! That's it for now! Her pain has returned and she's back in bed!

I've prayed and prayed for our son, C.  At the age of two, C had so many allergies that the specialist we took him to said that he had never seen anyone so young with so many.  I remember, at that age, over a 6 week period, all he could eat was chicken and rice. Sick and not feeling well for much of his young life, C has battled many complications with his health.  His journey has been hills and valleys, hills and valleys, hills and valleys...  but he's enduring...  persevering... taking those hills and valleys with Jesus.  C's making the hills and valleys part of HiStory as he learns about perseverence and endurance.   Married now for 5 years, he and his wife have a 2 year old son and are most blessed. 

Speaking of allergies, our daughter C, was allergic to our town's water.  For a period of time, we had to buy bottled water for all of her drinking and bathing.  She was severely dairy intolerant.  When she would line up for her plate in the cafeteria, the lunch room ladies would yell, "Here comes the allergy girl.  Do you have her plate ready?"  In middle school, C's heart began to experience tachycardia.  It was unbelieveable for her to just be sitting and all of a sudden her heart would be beating 250 beats per minute.  One time in the doctor's office it was at 280.  An ablation surgery helped.  Her allergies and heart are both improving with age.


Our son, J, had 18 things that he was allergic to when he was a little guy.  He also had a lazy eye, that required glasses at the age of 2.  We carried the paper around that listed the 18 things he was allergic to, so we could post it when with a group of people.  It seemed like we had that paper more than he had his glasses.  Eventually, he grew out of his allergies and his need for glasses.  We are so grateful!

Back on 3/21/11, I wrote:

My thoughts for today were the heart of our worship time together, as a church family, on Sunday. As our son, J, who was visiting from out of state, led our congregation in song and my husband, Steve, spoke from God's word - the message was clear:

  • No matter what we're going through - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For any challenges within me - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For challenges within my family - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For challenges within my neighborhood - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For challenges within my workplace - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For challenges beyond comprehension -CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
  • For Japan - CHRIST IS ENOUGH!
As you meditate on the words above and connect them with the scripture below, I encourage you to praise the LORD.
Colossians 1:15-23
15 He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.
16 For by Him all things were created:
things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things were created by Him and for Him.
17 He is before all things,
and in Him all things hold together.
18 And He is the head of the body, the church;
He is the beginning and
the firstborn from among the dead,
so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
19 For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in him,
20 and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things,
whether things on earth or things in heaven,
by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.

21 Once you were alienated from God
were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.
22 But now He has reconciled you
by Christ's physical body through death
to present you holy in His sight,
without blemish and free from accusation-
23 if you continue in your faith,
established and firm,
not moved from the hope held out in the gospel.
This is the gospel that you heard and
that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven..."


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10.3.12 EVERYBODY HAS A STORY! Steve and Patti learned that opposites attract and then attack unless they choose to be part of HiStory!

I am convinced that too many of us spend too many days with the wrong view of God. It's so easy when things aren't going "right" to...

  • blame God

  • say I must have done something wrong and I'm being punished

  • say that God's not listening

  • say that God doesn't love me

  • say there really isn't a God
Job's friends bought into some of the above when they tried to determine what Job had done to deserve all his difficult circumstances. It's called a "transactional" view of God! I've noticed a lot of comments on FB recently where believers were really ticked about certain circumstances in their lives. Their status' seem to indicate a raised fist at God.
Let's look at different challenges that you and I might have that would lead us to believe that God is not all that good. Let's start today by talking about the people that we live and work with.
Why are we all so different? We have differences in Genogram, Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses, Interests, Preferences, and Experiences. It gets frustrating when we don't have commonalities to others in some of these areas.
Wouldn't it be odd if all animals in the animal kingdom were mice?!?!

 It would be kind of strange to go mouseback riding instead of horseback riding or go mouse hunting instead of deer hunting or pet the mouse instead of pet the dog. "The same" can be very boring! I like the popular phrase "Variety is the spice of life!" Differences do provide variety!

The problem with differences is that they can be irritating if not understood or accepted. Couples are often attracted to someone who is opposite from them, but the saying goes like this, "Opposites attract and then attack!"

Steve and I will soon celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary. Each year is a milestone for people as different as we are. As students at York College, and then at Harding University, we had friends and family warn us that we were too different to marry. We even had a pre-marital counselor who had some concerns.

The two of us were talking recently about how our differences are part of our story.   They seem to be accentuated under stress. As you well know, differences often come to the forefront during such times. Throughout the years, we have had a whole lot of intense stress in our marriage, it's just that this time has been a little different. Three people in the house... two sick for an extended period of time... the one who is well tries to spin too many plates... Maybe you get the picture....
On the Smalley/Trent "animal personality" chart, I am a lion and Steve is a golden retriever. We have chosen some different animal names for ourselves. I am an elephant and he is a bear. In fact, when raising our four children, it was apparent to us that we had a zoo in our home. Differences abounded! It was easy to raise a fist to God and say, "How did you get me in this mess?"

So, how can two such animals live together and still be a blessing to each other? How can a family live together and bless one another? I am here to say... only if God is in the mix!

Below, just for fun, I have compiled animal descriptions of the elephant and the bear from some random internet research. While looking through the descriptions, it doesn't take long to wonder how an elephant and a bear could truly live together in love, peace, and harmony.
For both of us, over the years, it's been about coming to an understanding that things are not always the way we think they should be: NOT RIGHT - NOT WRONG, JUST DIFFERENT. It's been about learning to HONOR THE DIFFERENCES!
Patti is an elephant:

  • HABITAT AND RANGE: can live on the plains and in the mountains up to 15,000 feet... many live on parks and reserves
  • DIET: eats lots of vegetables; drinks lots of water
  • LIFE SPAN: 65 to 70 years in the wild; 70 to 80 years when domesticated; their life span depends on their teeth - once their last set of teeth wear out, they can no longer eat and they die
  • REPRODUCTION: most give birth during the rainy season
  • COMMUNICATION: use several types of sounds to communicate: 1) rumbling - a deep growling sound, most of which is below the range of human hearing; 2) a variety of screams and trumpets used to frighten and intimidate predators as well as communicate alarm...also for greeting
  • SENSES: keen senses of hearing and smell; weak eyesight
  • SIZE: big and tall
  • SOCIABILITY: families are made up of sisters and their offspring often living in groups of 9-11; a mature adult female dominates family groups; related family groups are part of larger herds that move and feed together
  • THINKING: well developed brains and great memories
  • ROLE: Often pave the way for others to follow; they can lead a procession of animals stomping down the brush with their feet or removing trees/branches that are in the way with their trunks
Steve is a brown bear:

  • HABITAT AND RANGE: prefer to live in cooler climates and will migrate away from the heat; can be found on the plains, in the forests, the tundra, and in sub-alpine mountain areas
  • DIET: carnivores who eat berries and vegetation
  • LIFE SPAN: 20-25 years
  • REPRODUCTION: monogamous
  • COMMUNICATION: is complicated, sometimes misunderstood, and primarily through body language: 1) sitting down indicates disinterest or lack of concern for onlookers; 2) standing on hind legs generally an indication of curiosity or interest in whatever it may have noticed, not an act of aggression; 3) when threatened or apprehensive, the typical response would be the popping its jaw, slapping the ground, or expelling air loudly; 4) when afraid, the bear chomps or clacks teeth which is often misunderstood by other animals as getting ready to be aggresive; 5) loud roars are usually a warning that they want to protect their territory, not that they want to be an aggressor; 6) bears often "purr" when comfortable or warm much like a cat
    SENSES: great eyesight and keen sense of smell; strong instinct for food -can be easily trapped when humans put out food; a common saying among forest rangers is, "a fed bear is a dead bear"
  • SIZE: big and tall
  • OTHER PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: long claws for great digging ability; strong teeth and jaws that are almost incapable of breaking large bones; long thick fur; although they usually move slow and leisurely, they are able to run fast and swim well
  • SOCIABILITY: shy; mostly solitary; can be easily frightened; small families; may gather in large numbers at food sources; not a full hibernator, the brown bear likes to "den" in a protected spot such as a cave, crevice, or hollow log in the winter
  • THINKING: curious and intelligent; "complex and fascinating animal deserving of great respect"
  • ROLE: quiet protector; no other animal will be a predator on a brown bear other than a tiger or another bear.
On December 30, 2009, our 36th wedding anniversary, the bear wrote a full page typewritten letter to me, the elephant. A few excerpts from that Holy Spirit led letter are as follows:
  • Besides giving my life to Jesus, marrying you is the best thing I’ve ever done.

  • You’ve made me a better person. You’ve opened my eyes to what it looks like to give of oneself for the betterment of others.

  • You are the kinkeeper of our family. Our children and their spiritual health are at the forefront of your mind and top of your prayer list.

  • We’ve faced some pretty tough times together over the last three and ½ decades, but what we have discovered again and again is the solid truth of 1 John 4:4 – “Greater is He in us than he that is in the world.” God created His children to be “overcomers,” and by His grace, we have been – together!

  • Our marriage has not been perfect – NO SURPRISE – there are no perfect marriages. However, our marriage has tested and challenged our individual growth to the point that we are better individuals because we are married, first to Christ, then one another.

  • You deserve the best husband I can be. Please forgive me when I’m not and praise God when I succeed.

  • Next to Jesus, I love you more than anyone and anything!

  • Happy 36th anniversary! God is good all the time and all the time God is good..

Father God, thank you for my husband, the Spirit-led, steel and velvet, brown bear. Thank you for blessing me with this man who I so honor and respect. I praise you for Steve Sikes! I honor the differences! God, I have learned that when I do things in Your way and Your timing that I am convinced that GIGATTAATTGIG. Because of Jesus, we have chosen to be a part of HiStory, as husband and wife! I choose to raise my hands in praise to You, Jesus - not my fist!