I cannot think of a better way to truly know that GIGATTAATTGIG. It is described by these words of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 22:
"'Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul and
with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it:
'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the Law and the Prophets hang on
these two commandments."
The eyes of the world are focused on Japan.
My "real world" connections are deep and go way back. I lived in Okinawa for three years in the 60's. My best friend's family were missionaries first to Japan and to the island south - Okinawa. The Joe Cannon family was originally from Canada.
Years later, as professors at York College, my husband and I got close to several Canadian students who knew the Cannon's well. A seed had been planted in the hearts of these students to go to Japan to continue the work, of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, that the Cannon's and others had started. With much prayer and preparation, a team of missionaries was formed and they headed for Sendai, Japan. The stories of transformation, of Japanese lives and of the many who have gone via LST, have been many.
As you probably know, Sendai, Japan is very much in the center of last week's devastation. One of those Canadian mission students, Jonathan Straker, has been back in the states working on his Master's degree at Abilene Christian University. He and his wife are mobilizing efforts to help Japan via FB.
That is one of the 3 things that I am very grateful for today. All 3 have a similar theme:
- I am grateful when christians band together and allow God to work through them in a powerful way to help others who are in the midst of one of life's storms.
Back several months ago, I shared with you about Jenny Marcum Reyes' who grew up as a missionary kid in Ecuador. Then, after marrying Eric, they went as missionaries to Bolivia. Jenny, a very healthy young mother of two (and my niece), had a massive tumor on her thigh.
So, in November, she was rushed back to the states and a christian medical team volunteered their services to do the surgery in Austin, Texas. It's been a long, hard road! Many who have this must have the leg amputated. Because of fervant prayer and God's intervention, Jenny's leg was saved. I'm so thankful that this medical team's lives are about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others (specifically the Reyes' family).
One month later, Jenny wrote, "...was diagnosed with cancer 31 days ago, and I praise God for one of the best months of my life." Yesterday morning, after much rehabilitation and 30 radiation treatments, Jenny tried out jogging for the first time since surgery. She ran a couple miles! So full of thanks!
I'm so grateful that Jenny's life is about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
I was literally numb last night when I learned of the death of Gary Miller. What a blessing His life in Christ has been to so many of us. Humble, sweet, servant of Jesus Christ would begin a description of Gary. Steve has corresponded with Gary several times, since we've been in Jersey, about him bringing his group Vocal Union here to sing. Gary won't be singing in Jersey, but I cannot wait until heaven to hear that voice sing through the ages!
The last time I saw Gary was several years ago at the Tulsa workshop. As I was going into our motel room, I heard a voice say, "Is that you, Patti Sikes?" I turned around to see that Gary and some of his Vocal Union buddies were in the next room to us. What a treat! He was a man who lit up his world! I'm so grateful that his life was about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
We need his music and his family needs our help. So, those who knew him best have rallied around his family to help. I'm so grateful that Acappella ministries and Vocal Union are about L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others (specifically the Miller family). Click on both of these links to see how you can do both:
I am also convinced that Gary could explain more about the words to this song today:
GRATITUDE #3:I began this blog post today talking about Japan. I am so thankful for the initial mission team to Sendai, Japan of Ben Berry, Joel Osbourne, Crimson Runke, and Jonathan Straker whose lives shine L1 and L2: Loving God and Loving Others.
Please join us on the FB page that Jonathan and Michiko Straker have begun as they want us all to join together in L1 and L2: Love God and Love Others (specifically Japan). I am grateful we can all help!
in all the ways we love each other.
We can know that